Benjamin Shaw
Republican Representative Duncan Hunter slipped $22 million into a recent House bill for a ship the Navy doesn't even want. Benjamin Shaw reports from Capitol Hill.
A bipartisan group of Senators finished hammering out a deal on immigration on Thursday. Democratic California Senator Diane Feinstein was instrumental in negotiating the bill. Benjamin Shaw reports f
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. He met with California lawmakers and gave a speech at Georgetown University. Benjamin Shaw reports from Capitol Hill.
Calls for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' head are growing louder in Washington. At a hearing Tuesday morning, San Diego Republican Congressman Darrell Issa had harsh words for the entire Justice D
Washington is in an uproar about reports of White House involvement in the dismissal of eight federal prosecutors late last year. Angry lawmakers are calling on the administration to explain the move
Former San Diego US Attorney Carol Lam was on Capitol Hill today, called by the Senate Judiciary Committee to answer questions about her dismissal. From Washington, Benjamin Shaw reports.
- San Diego sheriff says disputed ICE transfer was legal
- Imperial County's oldest LGBTQ+ center faces questions over move away from trans rights
- How a decades-old state law can stop a trash fee for San Diegans
- Why It Matters: Why are San Diego water rates about to soar?
- A look inside the San Diego Marine border operation