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San Diego Girls Who Walk invite women to connect while walking

Connecting with people isn’t always easy in an increasingly digital world. But there’s a social club that puts their phones away and meets to walk and talk.

Monica Figueroa created San Diego Girls Who Walk to help women connect and communicate through walking. Figueroa joined a similar group back in New York, and after seeing how it positively impacted her life, she brought the concept to the West Coast.

“I bet you, out of this group of girls, we’ve got probably like 50% that work remotely, so that’s a really isolating part of a new post-COVID world,” Figueroa said. “I think as a generation that really spends a lot of time on social media … it makes it kind of more difficult to go up and say ‘hi’ in person.”

During the walks, there are no phones, no distractions. Just genuine conversations sparked by women who want to break from the virtual platforms and create bonds.

The group posts its schedule on its Instagram, @sandiegogirlswhowalk. The next one will take place Saturday, April 27.

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