The 5.2 magnitude earthquake near Bakersfield generated a lot of interest in a smartphone app that warns you, prior to the shaking.
There were no reports of any damage or public threats related to the quake.
There have been 16 earthquakes reported near El Centro and Imperial since midnight.
Nearly 1 million people in government offices, businesses and schools throughout San Diego County will stop everything for a minute Thursday to "drop, cover and hold on" during a statewide earthquake preparedness drill, now in its 15th year.
A magnitude 3.7 earthquake struck off the coast of Oceanside Tuesday at 1:05 a.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
A cascade of fault ruptures in Turkey that killed tens of thousands happened on an earthen rift that’s a lot like the San Andreas Fault.
Researchers from SDSU and the Scripps say massive lakes in Imperial County could be responsible for major seismic ruptures in the desert valley.
SDSU engineering professor Robert Dowell visited Turkey in February and found many examples of poor building design and inferior materials.
Simulations of two devastating earthquakes didn't seem to damage a high-rise timber building on UC San Diego’s shake table.
There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage due to the earthquake, which shook communities as far south as San Diego.
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