Sarah Gonzalez
Morning Edition Production AssistantMORE STORIES BY THIS AUTHOR
Passaic River polluters are telling local fishermen to trade contaminated catch for healthy tilapia. But there's no disposal plan for the toxic fish, and residents don't want them to be incinerated.
A StateImpact Florida/Miami Herald investigation shows that despite state and federal laws requiring charter schools to give equal access to students with severe disabilities, most charter schools in Florida have few of these students on their roster.
There is rising concern as the busy holiday travel season approaches that new airport security procedures are going to slow things down. Some people are so annoyed by new scanners and pat-downs, they plan to avoid the airport.
The reader-produced encyclopedia isn't considered a reliable source in many college classrooms. But now, it's trying something new: It's partnering with students from top public policy programs to help write more entries.
The ACLU in San Diego has filed a lawsuit against the federal government on behalf of immigrant detainees with mental disabilities. The civil liberties group wants court-appointed attorneys for those who can't represent themselves.
The San Diego Unified School Board is considering whether to expand options for physical education credits, and cheerleading could soon be offered as a class.
- Fire weather warning in effect this week in San Diego County
- San Diego’s Democratic blues: How voters slipped away from the party
- SDG&E reports outages in portions of Chula Vista, other communities
- Shift from Democrat to Republican voters in South Bay, Southeast
- Los incendios en Los Ángeles muestran lo mucho que California tiene que perder si Trump retiene la ayuda por desastres