Linda Ball
Grants & Engagement managerLinda Ball is the grants and engagement manager at KPBS. She oversees grants that support a wide-range of projects, from news to podcasts to community engagement. Since coming to KPBS in 2015, she has assisted in the implementation of the station's longest-running engagement program, One Book, One San Diego, and also managed Community Conversations, a program designed to explore issues important to the region.
Why the U.S. Census is important and how the 2020 census has navigated a bumpy road, including kicking off during a pandemic. How did the census turn out, at least initially, for San Diego?
Buki Domingos, a professional singer, uses her voice in song and speeches to educate about human trafficking.
Rubin founded a nonprofit to reduce and prevent opioid addiction and overdoses.
Operation Rebound's senior program manager sees sports as key to injured veterans' recovery.
Gender-equity champion credited with restarting San Diego chapter of National Organization of Women
Bowser is co-founder of the Community Assistance Support Team.
- San Diego sheriff says disputed ICE transfer was legal
- Imperial County's oldest LGBTQ+ center faces questions over move away from trans rights
- How a decades-old state law can stop a trash fee for San Diegans
- Why It Matters: Why are San Diego water rates about to soar?
- A look inside the San Diego Marine border operation