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photo of Emily Wenk, mid-level development officer at KPBS

Emily Wenk

Mid-Level Development Officer

Emily Wenk is the mid-level development officer at KPBS with a passion for community engagement and creative expression. Prior to joining the KPBS team, she worked in marketing and data analytics in the wine industry and in annual giving for SDSU Alumni.

Born and raised in Texas, she received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Houston in 2004. From a young age, Emily demonstrated a keen interest in the arts and travel, and enjoys finding inspiration from visiting museums and exploring new cultures and landscapes.

In 2015, Emily settled in Southern California and has been lucky to call San Diego home since 2018. Outside of her work at KPBS, Emily is an avid reader, enthusiastic sports fan, photography collector and lover of music. She deeply values curiosity and kindness, and has found that San Diego has enriched her life as an endless source of both.