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Mission Bay redevelopment moves forward

 May 15, 2024 at 5:00 AM PDT

Good Morning, I’m Emilyn Mohebbi, in for Debbie Cruz….it’s Wednesday, May 15th.

A plan to prioritize wildlife at De Anza Cove is moving forward.More on that next. But first... let’s do the headlines….

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria announced a new version of his proposed city budget yesterday.

It includes funding for programs that were previously on the chopping block.

Members of the public spoke out against proposed cuts to libraries, teen centers and internet access initiatives.

Councilmember Joe LaCava thanked them.

"Thank you to the hundreds of individuals who made their voices heard loud and clear at the city council budget review committee meetings these past two weeks. Our advocates, the city council and our responsive mayor have led to a May revised budget that restores many important programs."

City staff will present the new budget to the city council budget committee on Thursday.


It used to be Bike to Work Day.

Now it’s Bike Anywhere Day.

The annual event is happening tomorrow across the County, with local government and transit agencies encouraging cycling as a way to get around.

Dozens of pit stops will be set up county-wide with refreshments and information for those who want to make cycling part of their daily routines.Bike Anywhere Day is one of the highlights of Bike Month here in San Diego.


There’s a chance of light rain in parts of the county this morning.

The National Weather Service says the skies will clear up by the afternoon.

Temperatures in the inland, mountain and coastal areas are expected to be in the 60s.

And in the deserts, there’s no rain in store, and temps will be in the high 90s.

Tomorrow's (Thursday) weather is expected to start off foggy and cloudy, before becoming sunny.

From KPBS, you’re listening to San Diego News Now.Stay with me for more of the local news you need.

The San Diego city council yesterday approved a new development plan for 500 acres of Mission Bay Park.

Metro reporter Andrew Bowen says the goal is to restore more native habitat.


AB: Starting in the 1940s, humans drastically altered the landscape of Mission Bay to create more sandy beaches and parkland. But the environmental consequences were devastating. Endangered birds lost habitat and the water in Mission Bay is teeming with bacteria and pollutants. Andrew Meyer is conservation director for the San Diego Audubon Society.

AM: So it's not a safe place to be swimming until we start investing in water quality benefits from tidal wetland habitats. The water flushes through a tidal wetland and it improves as it goes into the bay.

AB: The council on Tuesday adopted a plan that would restore more than 140 acres of new wetlands in De Anza Cove. The plan will likely take decades, and tens of millions of dollars, to fully implement. Andrew Bowen, KPBS news.


The annual “peace in Israel” week-long celebration is underway at UC San Diego.

KPBS education reporter M-G Perez tells us – this year – there is an even deeper meaning as the middle east war continues.

Tritons for Israel is a student organization at U-C-S-D….that its members call an advocacy group for Israeli self-determination.

There is a representation of the sacred Western Wall on display outside the Geisel Library…in honor of the university’s annual Peace in Israel week.

SHAH-knee Menna is a junior and co-president of the organization…committed to educating everyone about the ongoing war…triggered last year’s October 7th attack by Hamas.

“There’s this idea that you can’t engage in dialogue or learn something new from a different perspective that you have not been exposed to before. So, that’s why we’re here represent the Jewish/Israeli people and their story.”

Last week, the university hosted its annual Justice In Palestine commemoration for students who support the end of Israeli occupation in Gaza and the West Bank. MGP KPBS News

With recent hospital maternity ward closures in the county, the role of birth centers has become increasingly vital.

Health reporter Heidi de Marco tells us about one San Diego center that’s receiving a funding boost to keep its doors open and continue providing maternal care.

Nikki Helms says operating San Diego county’s only black owned birth center is a lot of responsibility, especially now.  

“We've lost a birth center. We've lost two maternity wards. so my doing this work has become that much more important.”

Helms says she's thought about closing her doors a few times due to financial struggles. but with a new 100,000 dollar equity impact grant she's getting ready to expand her maternal care services.

“We're trying to, you know, reverse the disparities that exist for women of color in hospitals…and I think one of the first things that I want to do is to be able to support our group prenatal program. 

The possibilities of the grant stir up a mix of emotions for helms. 

“But I have no doubt that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be.”

Heidi de Marco, kpbs news.

Coming up.... some important reminders to maintain your inner peace during Mental Health Awareness Month.

“It’s really important to dedicate a life to mental health awareness. But I’m glad they’re giving four weeks to shine a light on it.”

We’ll have that story and more, just after the break.

This month is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Julie Potiker is a Mindful-ness Expert and Mindful Self-Compassion teacher. She’s also worked with the UCSD Center For Mindfulness.

And is the author of ‘Life Falls Apart, But You Don’t Have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos’... and “SNAP from Chaos to Calm.”

She joins me now to talk about the importance of mental health awareness.

Julie, welcome to the San Diego News Now podcast.

Why is it important to dedicate a month to mental health awareness?

According to the C-D-C, anxiety and depression among adults 18 to 29 years old has increased more than 5-percent in the U-S in recent years. What are some factors playing a role in this rise? 

At what point does it go from impacting our mental health to being a mental health condition like depression or anxiety?

What are some local resources available for people struggling with their mental health?

What would you say to someone who may be struggling with mental health, but is hesitant to reach out for help?

Now I’d like to switch gears and talk about improving mental health in general. What are some little things we can do daily that will improve our mood long term?

I've been speaking with Julie Potiker... a Mindful-ness Expert and Mindful Self-Compassion teacher, and author. Julie, thank you for joining me on the San Diego News Now podcast.

That’s it for the podcast today.

As always you can find more San Diego news online at KPBS dot org. Join me again tomorrow for the day’s top stories. I’m Emilyn Mohebbi. Thanks for listening and have a great Wednesday.

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Natural habitat restoration is prioritized for Mission Bay. In other news, supporters of Israel hold a week of events on the UC San Diego campus. Plus, more funding for local maternal care.