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Addressing homelessness in California

 February 10, 2023 at 5:00 AM PST

Good Morning, I’m Debbie Cruz….it’s Friday, February 10th.

A look at how the state is addressing homelessness. More on that next. But first... let’s do the headlines….


Be careful driving today, because it's expected to be windy with gusts up to 50 miles per hour in certain areas of the county.

A wind advisory is in effect until six this evening in parts of the County.

Including El Cajon, Escondido, La Mesa, Poway, San Marcos and Santee.

Forecasters warn that trees could be blown down and there could be some power outages in those areas.

The National Weather Service recommends using caution when driving and securing outdoor objects.


The California Coastal Commission, yesterday, issued a permit for a plan to convert Navy Pier into a public park, along San Diego Bay's North Embarcadero.

It’s being called Freedom Park, because of San Diego's military history.

The Port of San Diego and U-S-S Midway Museum are leading the project.

The new park will be designed to connect with the park areas surrounding the Midway.

It will include pedestrian pathways around and through the park, play structures, memorials and monuments, coastal access, restrooms, parking and more.

It’s expected to open in 20-28.


N-F-L history will be made this Super Bowl Sunday.

It's the first time that both teams have had starting quarterbacks who are Black.

But there was also Super Bowl history made right here in San Diego 35 years ago... when Douglas Williams led his Washington team to victory... the first Black quarterback ever to start and win the big game.

If you want to get out this Sunday and watch the Super Bowl with others, there are plenty of watch parties around town.

For a list of Super Bowl watch parties in the County, go to KPBS-DOT-ORG.


From KPBS, you’re listening to San Diego News Now. Stay with me for more of the local news you need.


Homelessness has been a stubborn problem across the state for years.

And while the state and city governments continue to introduce programs, housing, and funds to get a handle on the crisis… it persists.

Angela Hart is a senior correspondent with Kaiser Health News.

This week, she published an in-depth look at what the state is spending on the problem, and if it’s made a difference.

She spoke about her reporting with my colleague Jade Hindmon.

Here’s that interview.

That was Kaiser Health News reporter Angela Hart, speaking with Midday Edition host Jade Hindmon.

You can find the full story on our website… KPBS dot org.


UC-SD is hiring 200 community health workers, as part of a new initiative from the White House.

The program is focusing on San Diego’s middle eastern, east african, native american, and refugee communities.

Wael Al-Delaimy is a professor of public health at UC-SD.

He says those communities haven't been given the same access to preventative healthcare as others-- and this program aims to fix that.

“Help kind of bridge the gap between what the community needs and what the health care providers can provide. The community health worker can be embedded in the community or health care settings so they can be on either side -- but the aim is the health of these communities.”

Recruitment starts soon, with classes beginning in summer.

They’re looking for people who know the cultures and are multilingual.

No medical background is needed, just a commitment to help the community.


The county’s nearly 115-million-dollar citrus industry got a jolt this week when officials discovered a tree infected with a citrus greening disease.

Environment reporter Erik Anderson says, county officials have now discovered the illness in Oceanside and Rancho Bernardo.

The disease known as Huanglongbing was discovered in Rancho Bernardo in a residential lime tree prompting officials to set up an immediate quarantine zone.  Crews are already surveying the area for more infections.  California Department of Food and Agruculture’s Alex Muniz says if infected trees are found they will be cut down and destroyed. Alex Muniz California Dept. of Food and Agriculture “There is no cure.  It must be treated and removed.  And that’s really the only way to eradicate the disease from the tree.” The illness is spread by a small bug known as an Asian Citrus Psyllid.  It feeds on infected citrus plants and can transmit the illness to uninfected nearby trees.   An infected tree will have yellow leaves and shoots along with misshapen and bitter fruit.  Muniz says the disease will eventually kill the plant. “We’re specifically looking only for citrus.  If we see citrus and it looks symptomatic we’ll take samples.” The insect that carries the illness has been in San Diego County for more than a decade and the disease was first discovered in Oceanside about two years ago.   Farmers have been on alert since 20-20 because the disease has already decimated Florida’s citrus groves.  UC Cooperative extension’s Eric Middleton says local farmers don’t want to see that happen here. Eric Middleton UC cooperative extension  “If Asian Citrus Psyllids are present, when their numbers are increasing, again that’s the insect that can carry the disease from infected trees to healthy trees, when the insect numbers are high, they’re doing area wide sprays.  They’re coordinating so that everyone is applying insecticides at the same time.” Agricultural officials have not had much success containing the disease.  Most of the Los Angeles basin is still under quarantine just a decade after the disease first appeared there.  Scientists are working on treatment, cures and disease resistant trees, but their efforts have not yet born fruit. Erik Anderson KPBS news


Coming up.... A local chef gives us some recipes for a Valentine’s Day dinner at home. We’ll have that and more, just after the break.


San Diego Opera presents four performances of The Puccini [poo-CHEE-nee] Duo starting tomorrow.

KPBS arts reporter Beth Accomando reveals what makes this production unique.

The Puccini Duo, as the title implies, is not one opera but rather two short ones, says mezzo soprano Stephanie Blythe. STEPHANIE BLYTHE The first opera is called Suor Angelica, and the second is Gianni Schicchi. The first is a drama, sort of a tragedy, and the second is a comedy. Blythe sings in both operas but in the second one she marks an opera first. She will become the first female opera singer to sing the male baritone title role in a professional production. Blythe says she is grateful to San Diego Opera for this opportunity to test her range. STEPHANIE BLYTHE Instead of me singing in my typical range, I'm singing an octave lower. And so it means that they will hear me in the range of what we generally consider a man's voice. And it's different in that there are many roles in opera that are written specifically for a woman playing a man. This is not one of them. This is actually a role written for baritone and being sung for the first time by a woman as a man. Blythe will make her debut in the role on Saturday at the Civic Theatre in downtown San Diego. Beth Accomando, KPBS News.


With Valentine’s Day coming up, you may be scrambling to make plans.

Well, we have an idea for you … A fine-dining experience by YOU, at your home.

Mike Minor is the executive chef of the Marine Room in La Jolla, and is here to share some easy-to-make, restaurant-style entrees, desserts and more, for you to celebrate Valentine's-Day at home.

Chef Mike, welcome

Before you get into the recipes you have to share, do you have any general advice for those making a meal for Valentine's Day at home, or really any meal for a special occasion?

So, talk to me about the recipe you brought to share with our listeners … and why you chose it?

Any side dishes that pair well with the steak?

Ok, can you give me an overview of how we make that delicious sounding dish?

I’m definitely trying that at home! So I’m told you also have a  vegan dinner option…

This sounds delicious! How do we make that?

We are saving the best for last… that is… dessert. I have a sweet tooth, so I’m really excited to learn a new dessert recipe from you. What do you have for us?

After talking about all of those delicious recipes, what drinks pair well with those dinners? Do you have any fun cocktail or mocktail recipes? Or maybe even a nice wine that comes to mind? 

Chef Mike, it was a pleasure speaking with you and learning all these fun recipes from you. Thank you for joining us on our San Diego News Now podcast. 


That’s it for the podcast today. This podcast is produced by KPBS Senior Producer Brooke Ruth and Producer Emilyn Mohebbi. KPBSer Lara McCaffrey also helped out on the podcast this week, thanks Lara. As always you can find more San Diego news online at KPBS dot org. I’m Debbie Cruz. Thanks for listening and have a great weekend.

Ways To Subscribe
A new report takes an in-depth look at efforts to end the homelessness crisis in California. In other news, UC San Diego is hiring 200 community health workers, as part of a new initiative from the White House. Plus, a local chef shares recipes for a Valentine’s Day dinner at home.