Youtube TV Reaches Deal with Fox Sports And The Padres Broadcasts And More Local News
Speaker 1: 00:00 It's Monday, March 2nd I'm Deb Welsh and you're listening to San Diego news matters from KPBS coming up. You'll no longer find the pod. Ray's broadcast on YouTube. TV and doctors are exploring the option of using drones to reduce patient wait time. Speaker 2: 00:16 The average delivery time across that very short route, less than a mile, it's probably 40 minutes to two hours and we can do it now and seven to 10 minutes Speaker 1: 00:25 that more coming up right after the break. Speaker 1: 00:36 Padres fans won't be able to watch games on YouTube TV anymore. KPBS is Sarah katsu. Yani says YouTube TV is one of the streaming services that has dropped Fox regional sports networks, which includes Fox sports. San Diego, YouTube. TV stated that they were unable to reach a distribution agreement with Sinclair, which purchased most of Fox sports from Disney last year for more than $10 billion syncing. Claire took over to other streaming services, also dropped Fox sports along with YouTube TV, Miro Kobek with bottom line marketing and San Diego state told KPBS that it's become harder now for fans who stream to watch the Padres. Speaker 2: 01:16 Somebody like a YouTube TV or these other streaming services. The cost of carrying sports is extraordinarily expensive. Speaker 1: 01:22 If you want to watch the Padres, Hulu and a T and T. T V are now the only live TV streaming services that offer Fox sports. Sarah cuts Yannis KPBS news on Friday morning, a federal appeals court hall to the remain in Mexico program, which since central American asylum seekers back to Mexico to wait for their court hearings. The court found the program violated federal law, but the court put a stay on the decision to give lawyers a chance to file additional briefs. A final decision is expected this week, possibly as early as today. KPBS reporter max Wilson Adler tells us the court's decision was the beginning of a day of confusion and chaos along the border. After Speaker 3: 02:05 7:00 PM on Friday night, a group of over 50 asylum seekers March to the port of entry in Tijuana aiming to legally enter the United States following the court ruling, but the ninth circuit court of appeals stayed their own decision just as the asylum seekers reached the port of entry. Remain in Mexico was now back in place. Customs and border protection officers told the asylum seekers that they could still be sent back to Mexico if they entered the United States. Many of them had come to the port holding a copy of the ninth circuit's decision from earlier in the day with the junction now stayed confusion grew. Many asylum seekers have given up their shelter beds and came to the border with all of their belongings. One Venezuelan family left and said they try again on Monday. Still others with nowhere to go into Quanta waded up the gate which CBP agents kept closed well past midnight to the dozens Speaker 4: 03:00 of waiting asylum seekers in Tijuana. Max Wirthlin Adler K PBS news Speaker 1: 03:05 testing for the Corona virus is now happening here in San Diego. Before samples needed to be sent to the CDC in Atlanta, which took valuable time. KPBS reporter Matt Hoffman got an exclusive look inside the County lab where the testing is happening. Speaker 4: 03:21 The County lab is now fully equipped to test for the Corona virus also being called coven. 19 the number of samples tested per day will vary based on demand. Friday morning they were testing just for samples, but with the Corona virus expected to spread in the U S the County is ready to scale up. Speaker 5: 03:39 We have the capability, we have the capacity and um, whatever is needed to be done. I think we're going to be able to do Speaker 4: 03:47 an Elisa man. Lou talk is a microbiologist for County health and human services. She says test results can now come back within just 24 hours. Speaker 5: 03:54 I would think this is really very significant. Speaker 4: 03:56 County officials waited up to five days before to get test results from the CDC. Faster testing means people might spend less time in the hospital and if a case does appear, officials can quickly begin to see who else may be infected. Matt Hoffman, K PBS news. Speaker 1: 04:11 Mexico has confirmed its first two cases of Corona virus. It marks the official spread of the disease to a second Latin American nation after Brazil. Authorities are stressing that the country's prepared and urging people not to panic from KJ zzz, Mexico city Bureau, Rodrigo's Cervantes reports. Speaker 6: 04:30 The first case involves a Mexico city man who recently traveled to Italy. He's been treated and his close relatives, they're under observation and man in the state of [inaudible] showed positive on one of two tests for the virus. He's been treated in an isolated room in a hotel, a cruise ship in the coastal area of coastal mailer with two alleged virus carriers has been cleared. Noise [inaudible]. That's Mexican precedent. Andres Manuel Lopez saying the Corona virus is not terrible or deadly Mexican sanitary authorities are asking the population to stay calm and follow standard hygiene procedures. I'm Rodrigo Cervantes in Mexico city. Speaker 1: 05:14 A researcher working with the San Diego zoo, or he's Australia's recent wildfires, may be hurting the country's Platypus. Population. KPBS reporter Eric Anderson says the wildfires have fouled the waterways where the animal lives and eats. Speaker 7: 05:29 Australian ecologist Josh Griffiths worries the massive wildfires may have caused serious harm to the country's Platypus population. Mega fires have evaporated some smaller streams and fouled larger rivers in the fire zone with Ash that Ash has even found its way into pristine habitats downstream, and that makes it hard for the bugs that platypuses eat to survive. Griffith says the animals were already threatened before the fires hit. Speaker 8: 05:59 The areas that where the world wants a stronghold for platypuses have now been burnt out and we've got sort of serious concerns about what that kind of impact is going to have on population. Speaker 7: 06:09 Griffiths is working on an accurate population count for the elusive animal research that is funded in part by the San Diego zoo's Australia relief fund. Eric Anderson KPBS news Speaker 1: 06:21 doctor visits can often be inconvenient, but what if you have to come back the next day because your test couldn't be done? KPBS science and technology reporter Shelina Celani says, doctors have found an unconventional solution, drones to a conventional problem Speaker 9: 06:38 at the UC San Diego. Urgent care in LA Hoya. Patients wait for their names to be called versus when the doctor visits are long enough, but some of these patients will likely return. That's because typically urgent and primary care facilities don't have labs to test samples like blood. Sometimes it can take days for patients to get a full diagnosis. Says James Kelleen, an emergency care physician at UC San Diego school of medicine. Speaker 10: 07:05 Say there's a patient who has diabetes, high blood pressure and they get labs drawn and then several hours later or the next day you find out that they have worsening kidney function. Speaker 9: 07:17 Colleen says, hospitals solve this problem with a tube system that uses air pressure to shoot packages around the facility so doctors can swiftly get samples to a lab and process them within 20 minutes to an hour. The clinics typically have to drive samples to a lab by car. Speaker 10: 07:34 You assume when you drop off the specimens with the car that it gets transported from your point a to point B. It actually goes to several other places and that can take several hours. Speaker 9: 07:43 Meanwhile, a patient's health could get worse and the goal for medical systems is to prevent patients from having to make an urgent and costly trip to the hospital. So Colleen thought, why not try a different type of vehicles Speaker 10: 07:57 to speed this concept that by flying drones we can actually deliver the specimens in a timely fashion? That's really cost efficient. Speaker 9: 08:05 UC San Diego is testing out drones or unmanned aircraft. These four armed robots with spinning fans are about the size of a trashcan lid and can propel into the air carrying a few pounds worth of medical supplies and samples. Dr synthy speedy aircraft will reduce patient wait times. UC San Diego is the second hospital system in the country to do this. The first is wake med in Raleigh, North Carolina. That hospital has had a few drones going to a clinic across the street for a year with promising results. The average delivery time across that very short route, less than a mile was probably 40 minutes to two hours and we can do it now and seven to 10 minutes. Stuart Guinn is a medical director at wake med. Again, a former pilots as federal regulations around drones are strict, but in 2017 the federal aviation administration announced a program. Now 10 cities are testing drones and fields ranging from policing to agriculture. Speaker 9: 09:03 San Diego in Raleigh got medical package delivery. Ken says it's too early to tell whether a few drones are really saving the hospital money and time, but he believes a network of drones could have an impact. We might be able to consolidate laboratory activities back at our main lab instead of having to stand up a small standalone laboratory, which is costly. He admits creating that network could take time because drones are still a new technology is out in people's communities and you can get clearance to fly, but where do you land? It's a much more nuanced technology, so wake med teamed up with the drone company Matternet and the delivery service ups to make sure these first drones are safe and monitored at the campus. Last week, two Matternet employees chatted over walkie talkie as a drone lifts into the air in a public demonstration of the technology. Mark Taylor is with ups and the aircraft itself is equipped with a parachute. It flies on a predetermined path. If it deviates at all the pear, the parachute goes off. Taylor says federal regulators. Manufacturers will be gathering data as these initial Jone programs progress. Can we fly further? Can we carry a heavier payload? And Matthew genocide is chief innovation officer at UC San Diego health says, even though there are these unanswered questions and risks, the hospital is embracing the drone project because it means innovation. Speaker 1: 10:27 You know, you need to take a leap of faith. You need to have a vision for how technologies could potentially evolve. He says the hospital will evaluate the Jones study when it's over and decide from there whether to integrate the aircraft into the system. You know, I think we're going to see a lot more drunks, ups and Matternet official state. They hope to work with federal regulators to extend drones to more hospitals around the country. Shalina Lani K PBS news. California colleges and universities have a bigger role in this year's elections. Dozens of campuses across the state will host voting centers for the first time. KPC sees Adolfo Guzman. Lopez talked to students at Cal state Northridge who are trying to increase churn out among their peers. One of them was Leslie a Geary. Speaker 5: 11:12 I just came out of class. Um, it's actually an election's course. So I'm learning about elections and how people vote and what motivates people to vote. Speaker 11: 11:20 Leslie passes a window display that makes her think about the disconnect between people her age and politics. It's a political science display of 17 bobbleheads, George Washington, Lincoln and mostly other white men. Speaker 5: 11:33 It feels very far removed that only these people who come from, you know, a lot of money are from these Ivy leagues or you know, whatever, like this is very stereotypical thought of what a politician is, can only make those changes. Speaker 11: 11:46 He now knows that people like her, the daughter of working class Salvador and immigrants can make change through politics. She learned it in 2016 when she volunteered for the democratic party of the San Fernando Valley making calls and walking neighborhoods to promote issues and candidates. Speaker 5: 12:02 It was really empowering to see like, okay, voting, that's one form of doing it, political protest. That's another form of doing it and so it really empowered me to feel that I could be an agent of change or that I have some form of influence over the government. Speaker 11: 12:16 She channeled that energy the school year into her job for associated students. She helped secure a voter center at Cal state Northridge and brought secretary of state Alex Padilla last month for a Q and a with students. Her big event before she stepped down was a four hour student voting engagement event. She titled, politics isn't a bad word. A DJ plays while students stop at half a dozen tables at one. They can use colored markers to list important issues at another day. Test out the new LA County voting machine and registered to vote. Go through all stations and get two free pupusas. Elisa's Curtis as a sophomore, she just posed in the photo booth with enabling can hat and a vote sign her takeaway from the event. Speaker 12: 13:00 Oh that it's important to vote and who to vote for and for the whole community to get involved regardless of if it's student politics or United States. Politics is important because it affects us. Speaker 11: 13:14 This is a nonpartisan event. There's no promotion of candidates or campaigns at the stencil tables. Students choose from several phrases. They can have airbrushed on a tow bag. Mighty sold. Cabrera Torres is a senior and she's undocumented. Speaker 5: 13:28 I can't vote myself. So I got one that says vote for those who can't vote a little bag. Speaker 11: 13:34 She says she's grateful for voters who support politicians who have created DACA programs. She hopes to become a voter one day. Cal state Northridge isn't the only campus thinking outside the box to get students engaged in boating. Earlier this month, UC Berkeley students organized an event called vote. Chella Varsha. Sarvi Schwab is a student there and the UC student association president, Speaker 5: 13:57 we just had a concert with Waka Flocka flame. We're a couple of hundred students came out and we were able to to reach out to them to register them. Speaker 11: 14:04 Yes. The Waka Flocka flame who ran for president in 2016 to legalize Speaker 5: 14:09 marijuana. Speaker 11: 14:13 Varsha says the concert the year before, tried to get students excited about the midterm elections. Speaker 5: 14:18 Fall 2018 my office here at UC Berkeley did a similar concert and that was with cupcakes. So you know, we're all going to finding new and interesting ways to get students to be involved. Speaker 11: 14:27 Interesting for UC Berkeley students means cupcakes, profane rap persona. I cannot play you cupcakes. Lyrics they aren't. What you would expect at a voter engagement rally. Although she did promote voting from the stage. Carol Moon Goldberg is president, the league of women voters of California. She praises how these efforts teach young voters about the process. Speaker 13: 14:57 It's like building muscle memory to say, yeah, here's an election and I'm going to participate. So now I'll start, you know, researching the candidates and looking at the ballot propositions and it, you know, it takes time and practice and a little encouragement Speaker 11: 15:10 whether or not stencilled tope bags poopoo size and rhonchi wrap will help get out. The youth vote will be seen on election day for the California report. I'm an old fool Guzman Lopez in Los Angeles. Speaker 1: 15:32 That's all for San Diego news matters. If local news matters to you, consider supporting KPBS by going to and clicking on the give now button.