Nuclear Fuel Transfers At San Onofre Are Now Safe, Federal Regulators Say And More Local News
Speaker 1: 00:00 Good morning. It's Tuesday, June 4th I'm Deb Welsh and you're listening to San Diego news matters. Southern California Edison has address safety concerns around spent nuclear fuel transfers at the Santa No free nuclear generating station. That was the conclusion of federal regulators who spoke Monday KPBS science and technology reporter Shalina Celani says the decision was made less than a year after the utility nearly dropped a canister 18 feet. Speaker 2: 00:29 The explanation comes two weeks after the nuclear regulatory commission already gave the green light to resume transfers in a public webinar. Linda Howell of the NRC said Edison's corrective actions following the near accident were satisfactory and that it had addressed concern of canisters scratching while being lowered into dry storage underground. But she says regulators will still be keeping an eye on what the utility does next. Speaker 3: 00:59 Once the licensee resume spiel transfer operations, we will initiate unannounced inspections that will be performed frequently. So there the licensees implementation of their enhanced programs. How will says Speaker 2: 01:11 Edison will complete more training and equipment analysis before it resumed. However, some members of the public are still concerned that these canisters may not last more than several decades. Shelina Trelawney k PBS news. Speaker 1: 01:26 A military judge has removed the prosecutor in the case involving a navy seal accused of war crimes. KPBS military reporter to Steve Walsh has been covering the trial that's attracted attention all the way to the White House. Speaker 4: 01:41 The attorney for seal chief Eddie Gallagher accused prosecutors of spying after they uncovered a digital tracking device, entered the defense and a reporter for navy times. Prosecutors had said in court last week that they were trying to uncover the source of media leaks. The judge removed the lead prosecutor in the case saying he had a potential conflict of interest because of an examination of how NCI, yes, the navy's investigative service handled the probe into leaks. Gallagher is accused of killing a wounded teenage isis fighter in his custody and posing with the body is also accused of killing an elderly man and a young woman while deployed in Iraq in 2017 members of his own unit are set to testify. The judge hasn't ruled on a defense motion to dismiss the case. Gallagher's trial is still scheduled to begin. June 10th Steve Walsh key PBS News, Speaker 1: 02:30 California progressive saw the vote for a new state party chair as a chance to push the party to the left and increased diversity in leadership capital, public radio, Scott Rod reports. Those hopes were dashed over the weekend at the State Democratic Party convention Speaker 4: 02:46 as she waited in the serpentine line that wound through the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Delegate Elsbeth farmer touted bay area activists. Kimberly Ellis is the best candidate to lead the party. Speaker 2: 02:56 She's the person who's been out there doing kind of work, getting women Speaker 5: 03:00 elected up and down the state, 58 counties, and if we have the chance to put an African African American woman as the face of our party, we should take it. Speaker 6: 03:08 That was received an impassioned ovation during her floor speech, but that didn't translate into a victory she lost by a sizable margin to rusty Hicks, the establishment favorite out of Los Angeles. That came as a relief to Jon Erickson who says Hicks is the best person to heal party divisions. Speaker 5: 03:24 I'm looking for a party solidarity. As we go into 2020 we have a lot of issues obviously that we need to address, but we need to do one thing and one thing first and we need to make sure that Democrats turn out to vote for the Democratic candidate, whoever that may be. Speaker 6: 03:38 It's the second consecutive state party chair race that Ellis has lost to an establishment candidate from Sacramento. I'm Scott Rod Speaker 1: 03:45 candidates for the leftist Morena party. One key seats in Sunday's elections, including the governor of Baja California and the mayor of Tijuana KPBS report or Molina's blitzer says this could have major implications for San Diego. Speaker 7: 04:00 Your [inaudible] Speaker 8: 04:04 that's high. Maybe need, yeah. Close ally of Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. He's declaring victory in the race for governor of Baja California. Moonia has unseated the conservative National Action Party, Pun from the governorship. Bonia and engineered from Tijuana says residents of Baja California voted for change after years of correct. Speaker 7: 04:23 Oh, very Daniel. Also, Speaker 6: 04:27 it's been 30 years of abuse. 30 years of repression, 30 years of marginalization. And the people said enough. Okay. Speaker 7: 04:36 Weblo depot. Yeah. Speaker 8: 04:37 In San Diego, the Baha elections could impact migration trade and the environment professor of need as director of the transporter institute at the University of San Diego meets says Ponyia understand San Diego's cross border water pollution issues after 12 years as an elected official for the Oti Water Board of directors in Chula Vista. Speaker 9: 04:55 So I think at a very practical level, uh, I'm very hopeful that, you know, having somebody who understands that an engineering level, how the water issue works is a great thing. And someone who has good political and civic contacts on both sides, again, that that must be a bonus Speaker 8: 05:13 meet also expects the rise of [inaudible] party to have an impact on trade. Creating United front in tariff negotiations with president Trump, Mylanta Spitzer KPBS news, Speaker 1: 05:24 some are mean Shakespeare in San Diego. KPBS ours reporter Bev lycomato speaks with the old globe is artistic director. Barry Edelstein about his thinking, Shakespeare live. And as you like it, Barry, you are going to be doing, you're thinking Shakespeare live. What can people expect from this? Well, I, Speaker 10: 05:43 I love doing this and to my surprise, it really resonates with audiences here who love Shakespeare, the gloves been doing Shakespeare per 80 what, five years, something like that. So I'm an enormous amount of time that the gloves been doing Shakespeare in San Diego. And so there's a real audience for Shakespeare here uniquely so very few other places around the United States that have as rich a Shakespeare audience and they want to know more. So we created this program to help people understand a little bit about what goes on behind the scenes, how a director works with actors to bring the language to life. And it's 90 minutes and I have three actors there to help me out and we demonstrate how the language works in the mouth of an actor in the rehearsal process, the technical details through which Shakespeare organizes the language in order to make it energetic and muscular and clear and fun. Speaker 11: 06:31 People who just attend a play and want to be entertained by it may think, oh, do I really need to learn more about the language? But explain kind of how understanding some of the things that actors can do to make it more comprehensible to the audience. How those things can actually help someone who is just going to watch the play for fun. Speaker 10: 06:52 Two things are true. One, when Shakespeare wrote these plays 400 and some odd years ago, there was a theater culture around them that understood instinctively what he was doing and how he built the plays. So today we pick up a play script written by a modern play, right? And we see sometimes the word pause in brackets and a modern actor understands that pause means that you take a little moment, think about what are you going to say next? And then go on. Shakespeare had his own equivalent of those kinds of things and the way that he put the language together that actors in his period would have instinctively understood. But 400 years later, they need teachers to help them spot and see. For example, Shakespeare is very addicted to the idea of juxtaposing opposites to be or not to be. That is the question. The technical term for that is called antithesis. Speaker 10: 07:40 We know it in our modern political world. Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. You hear the, the words that are opposite being juxtaposed against each other. Well, when we train actors to do Shakespeare, we really stressed this idea and say that you've got to think the thought in such a way that the terms that are opposite each other sort of lift off and become particularly vivid and that makes the audience understand the thing much, much, much more clearly. If an actor doesn't stress the words that are opposite each other, the thought isn't communicated. And um, we demonstrate this in thinking Shakespeare live and we do this when I'm rehearsing a play, I'm going into rehearsal and a couple of weeks I'll be talking about antithesis all the time. Speaker 11: 08:24 This summer you're going to, the globe is going to be having as you like it and Romeo and Juliet. Talk a little bit about as you like it in terms of what are your, what are the elements that you think are make it such a popular one of Shakespeare's plays Speaker 10: 08:38 as you like. It is one of those place that really has everything in it that we celebrate Shakespeare for great, beautiful poetry. You know, all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players and enchanted forest where crazy things happen. Lots of music. It's really got kind of everything that you think of when you think of Shakespeare, that special charm, that special beauty of the language. The other thing about it, and this is the thing I love about the place so much as one of my very favorite lines in all of Shakespeare, which is much virtue in if, and there's this big long speech about the power of the word if and the way that if activates our imaginations and activates our curiosity and if is the thing that allows human beings to progress in this world because we have an image of the way things might be if only, and then we take steps to pursue it. And the whole play is built on this complicated idea of if what happens if we could disguise ourselves so well that even the person who loves us most in this world can't recognize us, and the play plays out this series of ifs in this gorgeous confection that's just rewarding and romantic and fills your heart by the end Speaker 1: 09:49 thinking Shakespeare live is the Saturday and you will need to call the box office for ticket availability as you like. It opens June 16th listen to more about Shakespeare on stage and film with Beth's latest cinema junkie podcast. Go to k podcast. Thanks for listening to San Diego News matters. For more KPBS podcasts, go to k