Joe Biden Inherits Trump's Border Wall –– And Its Lawsuits
Speaker 1: 00:00 When Joe Biden takes office as president in January, he'll inherit the cornerstone of Donald Trump's legacy in the Southwest hundreds of miles of new border wall, blocking off the regions deserts at the international boundary with Mexico, from our front terrorist desks in both countries, KJ, ZZ reporters, Michelle Maurisco and Kendall blast have this report Speaker 2: 00:22 In downtown though. Gal is the Trump administration draped the existing border wall in coils of gleaming razor wire two years ago, no gala server zona, mayor art, Guardino. Isn't optimistic that the incoming Biden administration will take it down. Speaker 3: 00:39 You know, you know how the government is, you know, once they put something up, it's very Southern comes down. Speaker 2: 00:45 That was just one small border wall project along the entire U S Mexico border. The Trump administration has put in place about 400 miles of new 30 foot high border wall ACLU, attorney drawer, late in leads that suit. And he's waiting to see if the new president will withdraw the petition to the court. And if he doesn't, Speaker 3: 01:06 Once Biden comes in and becomes the president, we've already sued him. And the lawsuit will be against Biden as to what is to be done with these illegal wall sections. And then he and his administration are going to need to decide whether they want to defend this flagrantly unlawful thing that Trump did, or whether they want to work with border communities and environmental groups to, to readdress it. Speaker 2: 01:29 Candidate Biden has said that he will stop all construction, but he never said that he would tear down the new border wall Speaker 3: 01:35 To also look at ports of entry and figure out ways to open up more channels. Speaker 2: 01:41 Becky gal Becca has the Southern border communities coalition in Tucson. She hopes you incoming administration will focus on humane policies rather than those that drive people to enter the us through remote parts of the desert. Now can the blessed picks up the story in normal seal, many people in Mexico share their Northern neighbors concerns over the harms us border wall construction has caused in the region, severing indigenous lands, destroying sacred sites and devastating the natural environment. And they want building to stop getting [inaudible] who heads the nonprofit, not that [inaudible] is simply halting completion of the wall. Won't be enough to counteract significant and potentially irreparable damage to the environment on both sides of the border. Speaker 1: 02:31 Yeah, Speaker 2: 02:32 Yeah. Instead he says the Biden administration should tear down existing sections of border wall in critical areas where it cuts across rivers and wildlife corridors for Jaguars black bears, ocelots and other endangered species. But Duncan would with the DC based think tank, the Wilson center rejects the possibility that the incoming president will take that step. There's no way Speaker 3: 02:52 We're going to pull down a barrier that has been put in place on the U S Mexico border. There's little political Speaker 2: 03:00 Wills undo what U S tax dollars have already paid for. And he thinks Mexico will continue to face diplomatic pressure to participate in migration enforcement within its own borders. As it did under the Obama Biden administration. Speaker 3: 03:12 The Trump administration did was to take that up several levels, Speaker 2: 03:17 But what says U S Mexico relations during a Biden presidency likely won't be as narrowly focused on migration as they have been for the last four years. Speaker 3: 03:25 I think that we will see a more nuanced bilateral relationship. Speaker 2: 03:30 One that puts greater emphasis on trade human rights, corruption, and climate change. And that gives Cajon hope. Speaker 3: 03:39 [inaudible]. Speaker 2: 03:39 He says a U S government invested in fighting climate change and protecting natural resources might listen to conservation scientists studying the impacts of the wall on both sides of the border and heed their calls to knock it down and begin restoration efforts. At least he hopes so I'm, condole blessed in our CEO.