31 Killed In 2 US Shootings, And It Could Have Been Worse
Speaker 1: 00:00 Two days after the deadliest targeted attack against Latinos in the u s Latino leaders from across the country are gathered in San Diego. The president of Unidos u s the nation's largest Latino civil rights organization has issued a statement about the shooting in El Paso. In it, she criticizes the anti-immigrant rhetoric of president Trump and says he must be held partly accountable for the violence at today's Unidos US conference in San Diego. Five Democratic presidential candidates will address the group we expect to hear from former vice president Joe Biden and senators, Camilla Harris, Amy Klobuchar and Bernie Sanders and former housing and urban development. Secretary Julio on Castro. Joining me is you need those us board member, our Nofo Menriquez president and CEO of the Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee on antipoverty, a San Diego based nonprofit and our Nofo. Welcome to the program. Speaker 2: 00:58 Thank you for the opportunity to be able to share some, uh, some words. Um, we have a Mac. Speaker 1: 01:03 We need those. US president at Janet Morea also said she's angry about the shooting in El Paso. Do you share that reaction? Speaker 2: 01:12 Absolutely. Here in the San Diego community as being a border town. This absolutely has an impact in our entire community. We work with the Latino and in the Latino community, uh, day in, day out. And this absolutely raises concerns for us. Um, uh, we're concerned that may come to different border towns. Speaker 1: 01:32 What are you hearing so far from people in San Diego on their reaction to this mass shooting? Speaker 2: 01:39 Everything we hear right now has been coming through the media and um, but those are the type of uh, notes that come out that put us on concern. We have been here at that when he, those conference and the, there has been a kind of an undertone off this conversation about what's happening and, and it's a shame that it comes at a time when we are here, gathered together organizations across the country, affiliate those of Winnie of those us. And we're here to celebrate heritage and culture and the power of Latino community that the great strides we've done and made over the last several decades and to feel that we are here and that we are being attacked. It's a huge impact. And so the conversation that's happening, it's not just people from the San Diego community, but the people that are here across the country is we're all concerned. Speaker 1: 02:31 Now many people are making a connection between Donald Trump's anti-immigrant words and actions and the El Paso shooting. What do you see are the elements of that connection? How would one thing lead to the other Speaker 2: 02:44 president? Trump's comments have been feeling the rhetoric, the Anti Latino rhetoric and I believe there is even a manifesto or a, uh, an outline of this pasture in El Paso that he was targeting Latino community. I think that it adds fuel to the situation and we are in, we needs to stop Speaker 1: 03:06 now. This morning, president Trump condemned white supremacy and we have a clip of what he said Speaker 3: 03:12 in one voice. Our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America. Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart and devours the soul. Speaker 1: 03:33 I'm wondering, were those words coming from the president? Good to hear. Speaker 2: 03:38 They are absolutely good to hear and I know he was reading them and it's about time that those words come out and they don't and they cannot stop. Right. They have to continue throughout, not just the president, but throughout the elected officials throughout the country. Speaker 1: 03:55 Now, the Texas suspect, the Texas shooter had reportedly told investigators he wanted to quote, shoot as many Mexicans as possible, unquote. As someone who was worked with the Latino community here in San Diego, would you say there is hostility here toward Latinos today? Speaker 2: 04:15 Absolutely. There is. Even though San Diego is a much more welcoming community. I am a Mexican American. I am an immigrant. I was born in Mexico, Mexicali. I came to the United States when I was 10 years old. I am an American citizen. I vote. I have not missed any election since I became a US citizen and we do believe that there is a critical impact to dwell of us. Like myself being an immigrant. Yes. Speaker 1: 04:45 No. There are five major Democratic candidates that will address the, you need those us conference. Why aren't you hoping to hear from them? Speaker 2: 04:52 You know, I think what's, what's the most important message that I want to hear from them is how to listen to the Latino narrative, right? We, the Latino community is not about immigration and, and that seems to be the topic that drives whenever you hear Latinos is the, is immigration. We are much more than immigration. We are involved in so many areas of the world, of the community, of the impacts that we have, whether it's business, whether it's technology or education or housing or, uh, services to the community. Like we are in every single aspect of this community of San Diego. And so I want to hear from them their Latino narrative of talking about all the great achievements that we are, that we've done and made to this community and how we can strengthen the United States here. Yes, immigration is a topic, but we are not just about immigration. Speaker 1: 05:46 And I've been speaking with your needless u s board member are no flow, boundary gas. And I want to thank you so much for your time. Thanks a lot. Thank you. Speaker 4: 05:59 [inaudible] Speaker 5: 06:03 um.