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Carlsbad part of new round of state funding to tackle homelessness

A photo of cars driving under the Carlsbad sign spanning Carlsbad Boulevard, May 23, 2022.
A photo of the Carlsbad sign spanning Carlsbad Boulevard, May 23, 2022.

As part of Gov. Gavin Newsom's latest round of funding from the Encampment Resolution Funds (ERF), $131 million is going to 18 California cities.

Carlsbad is the only city in San Diego County to make the list and was awarded $2.9 million.

"This $3 million grant is going to help Carlsbad address the increasing concerns about people living in their vehicles in the Downtown Village and Barrio area by creating an innovative vehicular homeless outreach program. The plan provides resources to help people living in their vehicles get into stable housing," said Chris Shilling, the homeless services manager for the City of Carlsbad.


He said this round of state funding will be used for outreach support, housing navigation and rental assistance for people living in their cars.

"Vehicular homelessness is on the rise region-wide. The annual Point In Time Count shows a 44% increase in the region," Shilling said. "And we're also seeing that locally here in Carlsbad, especially with the senior population."

Shilling said people living in their cars have different needs than people living on the streets, and having dedicated funding to address both issues will help decrease homelessness overall.

"This state funding is crucial to be able to connect with people who are living on the streets in our community and provide them with meaningful pathways to permanent housing that ends their homelessness and reduces the impact that homelessness has on the community," he said.

But the money comes with strings attached.


Gov. Newsom has been more critical of how cities use the funding and threatened to “claw back” funding if conditions aren't met.

"Part of the reason Carlsbad was selected to receive this award is because of our demonstrated success with other state grant funds," Shilling said. "We track data very closely and report outcomes publicly. We also provide an annual funding plan which tracks all homelessness spending within the city. So we're well positioned to meet any and all state requirements for accountability for these grant funds."

In August, Carlsbad and Oceanside got a joint award of $11 million from the state. Carlsbad's share was $5.3 million, and will be used to address encampments along State Route 78.

Those services have not yet started and the city is in the process of hiring staff to do the work.

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