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Quality of Life

Interactive map shows affordable housing in San Diego County

The County of San Diego has a new tool to help people looking for affordable housing.

An interactive map shows the location, contact information and other details about affordable housing developments built with county funds. People can search by eligible population, the number of bedrooms and income limits.

Kelly Salmons, a deputy director in the San Diego County Department of Housing and Community Development, said it will help potential residents see some of their options.


“I think it will really help folks to say, ‘Maybe there are options in my neighborhood. I would like my kids to live in this school district, maybe there’s options for me there. My mother would love to live closer to my family and her grandkids, are there options for my mom in this part of town?’” she said.

People can join waitlists for three new affordable housing communities in North County starting Thursday at 7:30 a.m. Two are for families and one is for seniors.

The County will accept applications online, over the phone at 858-694-4801 and in person at Housing and Community Development Services at 3989 Ruffin Rd, San Diego, CA 92123.

Demand for affordable housing in the region continues to outweigh the supply. At a Center for California Real Estate event last week, industry leaders said the county’s rural areas could be a solution.

“The development that the state wants to see, and some of the cities as well, is more infill,” said Lori Holt Pfeiler, president and CEO of the Building Industry Association of San Diego County. “Really, the great opportunity to satisfy the supply issue is probably within the unincorporated area.”


On Wednesday, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors will consider requiring new developments in unincorporated areas to include affordable units. They’ll discuss details like how many units would have to be affordable and what incentives could help offset building costs.