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Quality of Life

San Diego County opens Cool Zone sites as warmer weather approaches

A sign reading "Cool Zone" appears on the outside of the Santee Library. July 12, 2023.
A sign reading "Cool Zone" appears on the outside of the Santee Library. July 12, 2023.

See a map of Cool Zones ⬇️

San Diego County has opened its Cool Zones program as warmer weather is in the forecast, it was announced Monday.

Despite June Gloom, afternoons are rapidly heating up and the region is facing its first potential summer-like temperatures this week.


The Cool Zones program will run through Oct. 31. Sites include the county's 33 branch libraries, community centers and other locations across the county.

According to the county, a complete list and map of Cool Zone sites, their hours and locations are located online. The site includes a map feature where people can type in their address to find locations near them. People can also call 211 to find a location, or, if they cannot get to a Cool Zone, ask for help with free transportation.

The Cool Zones program was created two decades ago. It was designed to give older adults, people with disabilities and people with health concerns "free, safe air-conditioned shelters to visit to escape extreme heat," a statement from the county read.

Extreme heat can be especially dangerous for the elderly and children. Working or exercising outside on a hot day or staying inside a hot space for too long can cause heat-related illnesses. Those can range from cramps to exhaustion and heatstroke, a condition when the body can no longer control its temperature.

Signs of heatstroke or exhaustion include having an extremely high body temperature, 103 degrees or higher, dizziness, nausea, confusion and headache. Anyone suffering these symptoms should call 911 and be cooled off immediately.


In addition to the Cool Zone sites, the county and San Diego Gas & Electric can provide free electric fans to eligible older or disabled people living on limited incomes countywide,

To be eligible, county residents must be 60 years of age or older, or disabled, living on limited income, must not have access to air-conditioned space at their home or apartment and unable to travel to a Cool Zone site.