Airport Meeting Details
When: 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday
Where: Carlsbad Faraday Center, 1635 Faraday Ave.
Alternative plans for the future of Palomar Airport in Carlsbad will get an airing Wednesday night in a public meeting in Carlsbad.
The county's proposed 20-year master plan for the commuter airport is in the works, and the public will have a chance to find out more about the options at the meeting.
Various scenarios of potential future use will be presented as the basis for a decision about which option to select.
One possibility is to expand the runway by several hundred feet to the west to allow aircraft to fly as far as Asia. However project manager Vince Hourigan said the runway will remain within the current footprint of the airport property and will not be extended east across El Camino Real.
At the workshop the County will reveal what size of aircraft the airport should be designed to accomodate. The report suggests aircraft should be limited to the size already using the runway. Lengthening the runway would allow them to carrier heavier loads of fuel.

Currently, the airport is home to about 240 private aircraft, and United Airlines operates a shuttle service to Los Angeles.
Two more public workshops on the Master Plan are yet to be scheduled
The county Board of Supervisors will eventually vote on the plan, which takes effect in 2015.