Filmed at the San Diego Convention Center, KPBS Citizen Voice Blogger and author, Trina Boice , talks with New York Times best-selling author, Jason Wright about his political Web site "Political Derby." Jason's entertaining and informative website was founded in 2005 as a haven for political junkies. If you're reading the Citizen Voices blogs, then you probably fit into that category! The Web site incudes links to lots of other fun political Web sites that will keep you happily reading about the presidential race as the horses (donkeys and elephants) gallop to the finish line. Enjoy!
P. S. Trina was so overcome with Jason's fabulous hair that she accidentally gave the wrong address for KPBS on the video clip... it should be www.kpbs.org , (not .com) &
- Citizen Voices blogger Trina Boice is an author and mother of four who lives in Carlsbad.