California's economy will continue to grow over the next quarter-century, according to San Diego economist Alan Nevin.
In his new book, "The Great Divide: The True Story of America Tomorrow", Nevin forecasts demographic and economic trends of California and other key U.S. states.
The title of the book is a reference to the division between states that will experience economic growth and those that will stagnate.
California is among 14 states, Nevin said, that will account for 75 percent of population and job growth in the U.S.
"We are really the heart of tomorrow, in terms of where the growth is going to be in America, both in the fields of biotech, bio-med, social media- all the things basically that rule the world between the Silicon Valley and San Diego," Nevin said.
Nevin, director of economic and market research with Xpera Group, a San Diego-based real estate consulting firm, discusses Tuesday on Midday Edition, the impacts of demographics on San Diego's economy.