New Calif. Law Adds 3-Foot Protection For Cyclists But Will It Make San Diego Roads Safe Enough
New Calif. Law Adds 3-Foot Protection For Cyclists But Will It Make San Diego Roads Safe Enough?
Andy Hanshaw, Executive Director of the San Diego County Bicycle CoalitionMark McCullough, Traffic Officer with the San Diego Police Department
Finding a safe way for bikes to share the road with cars is one of the greatest challenges facing San Diego transportation.
This city was built for fast moving car traffic. The city of San Diego bike master plan points out that bike collisions are more than twice as likely to be fatal in San Diego than in the nation as a whole.
Changes are being made to the law and to some road infrastructure. Beginning in September, California law will require drivers to be 3 feet away from a bicyclist's handlebars or shoulders while passing on the road. Violators of The Three Foot For Safety Act will face fines of between $35 and $250.
Will the new law make San Diego cyclists feel safer? Make them more welcome on the roads?