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Pacific Beach's Diamond Street will receive traffic-calming measures

In the early months of the pandemic, San Diego began a pilot program to slow down traffic on a handful of streets to encourage outdoor exercise and social distancing. KPBS metro reporter Andrew Bowen says on one of those streets, the changes are made permanent.

San Diego is installing traffic-calming measures on Pacific Beach's Diamond Street this week to create a more pedestrian- and bike-friendly space.

The measure, planned from near the Pacific Beach Recreation Center and Pacific Beach Middle School to Mission Boulevard and the beach, are also part of an effort to improve safety and encourage alternative modes of transportation.

"I have listened to residents and community leaders, and it is evident that the concern is safety along Diamond Street," said San Diego City Councilman and Environment Committee Chair Joe LaCava. "Traffic calming measures on Diamond Street support the city's Vision Zero goals by slowing the speed of cars and improving safety for people of all ages and abilities.


"They provide a safer route for people who walk, roll or ride to the beach, boardwalk and local businesses," he said.

According to the city's plan, flexible posts will limit continuous vehicular traffic down Diamond Street to right-turn only at the Cass and Fanuel Street intersections, along with signage along the entire corridor to inform drivers and users of this new roadway design. Only pedestrians, cyclists and emergency vehicles will be allowed to pass through.

"At the two intersection crossings, there will be pass-throughs for pedestrians, cyclists and shared-mobility device users," a city statement reads. "Rules of the road for stop signs and looking both ways are still required and will be enforced."

Installation of the measures will begin on June 21 and is expected to be finished within two days, with limited traffic interruptions during the work.

The flexible posts are designed to allow access for emergency vehicles if needed, so response times will not be impacted.


The traffic calming project builds off the PB Pathways system, a community-driven effort that started in 2015. Decals and signage were placed along the first phase of roadways within the community, funded by the city and community nonprofit organization, beautifulPB. Subsequently, Diamond Street was used as a "Slow Streets" pilot during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Pacific Beach is a community that loves to walk and bike, and we know how much our residents value the safety improvements this project will provide," said beautifulPB Board President Katie Matchett.

The city recently received grant funding to implement more "quick build" projects such as the one on Diamond Street that use paint and flexible posts to slow down traffic and improve bike and pedestrian safety. Alyssa Muto, director of the city's Sustainability and Mobility Department, said San Diego's Climate Action Plan requires the city to reduce car travel — the largest local source of greenhouse gas emissions.

"We know that you can't leave the car behind for every trip," Muto said. "But how do we support people moving for those shorter trips or the trips that can be made into an exercise or a social activity? That really is what the Diamond Street project can do for us."