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UC Board Of Regents Approves UC San Diego's New Chancellor

Pradeep K. Khosla. Photo courtesy of UCSD.
Pradeep K. Khosla. Photo courtesy of UCSD.

The hiring of UC San Diego's incoming chancellor and his contract terms were approved today by the University of California Board of Regents, but criticism of a 4.8 percent salary increase was swift.

Pradeep Khosla, currently dean of the Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering, is set to succeed Marye Anne Fox on Aug. 1. Fox is returning to teaching.

According to the UC, Khosla will be paid $411,084 annually, almost $20,000 more than Fox at a time the system is facing another round of steep state funding cuts. However, a UC statement said the difference will come from non-state sources.


Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, said the raise will come from the university foundation, and the new chancellor will also receive $100,000 in relocation expenses.

"While I welcome Pradeep Khosla to the University of California and I appreciate at least some recognition by the regents of the fiscal realities we currently face, I cannot endorse giving yet more raises to top administrators while students continue to see tuition hikes,'' said Yee, who also protested a raise given to San Diego State President Elliot Hirshman.

"I am disappointed that the regents' priorities continue to be on lining the pockets of their wealthy executives rather than on ensuring California families can afford the UC,'' Yee said. The extra money should go to student services and scholarships, he said.

According to the university system, Khosla's base salary ranks 52nd among 61 members of the American Association of Universities -- based on 2009-10 figures.

"UC San Diego is an extraordinarily vibrant, complex institution that not only educates, but also conducts groundbreaking research, delivers health care, creates industries and drives a regional economy,'' said Mark Yudof, president of the UC system. "We need strong leadership to maintain its excellence and public service, and we're fortunate that Pradeep Khosla will steer this great institution, especially during these challenging times.''


The school is scheduled to introduce Khosla at a news conference on Thursday.