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Future of Quail Garden Drive lot in Encinitas decided ... sort of

The Encinitas City Council on Wednesday voted to continue exploring options for an empty lot on Quail Garden Drive.

Those options include community education on affordable housing laws and discussion groups about the site's future development.

Why it matters

Some residents want a park, and some support the affordable housing development the city has proposed, which is 30 to 45 units.


While the original motion to study the site for the development failed, the city isn’t taking affordable housing off the table.

"I think we would all benefit — the community included — by having a conversation and taking a deep dive into these new laws and seeing if there's a way to achieve 45-plus affordable units in some other way than developing this site," Encinitas Mayor Tony Kranz said. "That doesn't necessarily mean this site goes away as a potential housing site."

Looking ahead

A new task force will explore other locations for affordable housing.

The task force will have six months before returning to the council with their findings.


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