Caitlin Cronenberg, daughter of David Cronenberg, makes her directing debut with "Humane," a film set in the near future as humanity faces an ecological disaster.
When I heard another Cronenberg was entering the directing realm, I was excited. David Cronenberg has long been a favorite, with films like "Scanners," "Dead Ringers," "Spider," "Videodrome" and "Crimes of the Future." Then in 2012, I fell in love with his son Brandon Cronenberg's work, starting with "Antiviral" and continuing with the stunning "Possessor Uncut" and "Infinity Pool." Talent runs in this family, and Caitlin does not disappoint.
"Humane" does not reveal its intentions upfront. Some films show their hand before the opening credits even end, but "Humane" keeps its cards close to the chest, demanding that you pay attention. I love films that respect the audience's intelligence and allow us to piece things together.
The world depicted in the film looks very much like our own, but bit by bit, we realize that the planet is in crisis and can no longer support the world's population. The government asks people to volunteer to be killed.
The film subtly explores class differences in who volunteers. The wealthy York siblings are shocked when their famous dad, Charles (Peter Gallagher), and their stepmom, Dawn (Uni Kim), announce at dinner that they have decided to "enlist" in the government's euthanasia program, which is designed to reduce the world's population by 20%. But things do not go as planned. Dawn backs out, and one of the kids must step up and take her place, setting the stage for a darkly comic and savage family thriller.
Caitlin, who comes from a photography background, crafts a visually beautiful film where an elegant family home becomes a battlefield for survival. Forget about the environmental collapse happening outside the state-of-the-art mansion — these siblings are in immediate danger from one another.
The script by Michael Sparaga starts slow and builds tension to a fever pitch of ruthless family politics as the siblings argue about whose life has the least value. Both the script and direction skillfully navigate tricky shifts in tone — from black comedy to horror to emotional family drama and social satire.

The stellar ensemble of actors keeps the film ticking like a finely tuned Swiss watch. Enrico Colantoni stands out as the officious Bob, who has come for the government's two bodies and won't leave without them. His devotion to forms and strict adherence to rules allow him to divorce himself from any emotion or compassion, evoking memories of Bob Hoskins in "Brazil."
"Humane," whose title is savagely ironic, exposes how horrific people — even those bound by family ties — can be to each other. Caitlin makes an impressive directorial debut, revealing, as her brother did, that she shares DNA with her famous father but also is confident in her own unique voice that leans more into humor than her family members.
"Humane" is a superbly crafted and precisely ratcheted film that refuses to fit neatly into any box. I'm sure Caitlin's dad is immensely proud of that.
"Humane" is currently streaming on Hulu.