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'Zoot Suit' Gives Students Real World Experience

"Zoot Suit" Gives Students Real World Experience
So much for the lazy days of summer for some San Diego High School Students. They're teaming up with the San Diego Repertory Theater on its production of "Zoot Suit".

"Zoot Suit," a play based loosely on Zoot Suit riots in Los Angeles in the 1940s, is the third collaboration between the San Diego Repertory Theatre and the San Diego School for Creative and Performing Arts.

High school students make up the entire pit orchestra. They also work as stagehands, understudies, and one young actor has a leading role.

The school's principal, Mitzi Lizarraga, said students get a valuable peek into the world of professional performance.


"For those students who thought they loved it, they're going to walk away really, really loving it, or they may realize, you know what, I tried this on and I'm glad I did, but I don't think I could do this for the rest of my life. "

Lizarraga said it also helps the students develop a professional work ethic, "which means show up on time, show up prepared and to be willing to recognize that you are part of a larger piece, that your contribution is vital regardless of what you role is," she said.

"Zoot Suit" runs through August 12th at the San Diego Repertory Theatre in Horton Plaza in Downtown San Diego.