Specialists from the country's leading auction houses and independent dealers from across the nation travel throughout the United States offering free appraisals of antiques and collectibles. ANTIQUES ROADSHOW cameras watch as owners recount tales of family heirlooms, yard sale bargains and long-neglected items salvaged from attics and basements, while experts reveal the fascinating truths about these finds. Mark L. Walberg hosts.
Behind the Scenes in Grand Rapids
View photos from ROADSHOW's visit to Grand Rapids, Michigan, on August 9, 2008.
"Grand Rapids, Mich." (Hour One) - In this episode, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW admires masterpieces of locally-manufactured modern furniture at the Grand Rapids Public Museum.
Highlights include a 1932 original Dick Tracy comic strip; a turn-of-the-century, cold-air return cover made by the Tiffany Glass and Decorating Company; and a collection of wooden fish decoys by renowned Michigan master carver Oscar Peterson, valued at 12,100–12,300.
This episode originally aired in 2009.
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17th-Century European Table Cabinet: Owner Interview
Caring for Your Paintings: Expert Interview
"Thinking about sprucing up your favorite painting? In this ANTIQUES ROADSHOW bonus footage