"PBS Special Report on Health Care Reform" is an unprecedented collaboration among PBS public affairs producers. Anchors, reporters and producers from "NOW on PBS," "Tavis Smiley" and "Nightly Business Report" will work together to provide a seamless 90-minute show that examines the urgent topic of health care reform. Correspondents and producers from all shows will collaborate to provide analysis, discussion, insight and engagement with the proposal to provide universal health care in the U.S. The program will open with the latest on the issue -- what's happening in Congress and the state of play between supporters and opponents of reform. But the bulk of the show will look in-depth at issues critical to success or failure of the initiative.
"NOW on PBS" will look at the issue of how reform may change the way we live. We'll take a close look at how portability of health care coverage might change the job sphere. And how would life change for the "sandwich" generation -- boomers who may have their own health care coverage, but are also responsible for aging parents and for grown children?
"Nightly Business Report" will examine the costs and controversies of employer-provided healthcare and the new coverage requirements many companies are adopting as a means of controlling health care.
"Tavis Smiley" will investigate the issue of childhood obesity, particularly within communities of color.
This reporting would frame the debate between the current "sickness" model of care and the proposed "wellness" model, with new incentives for families, caregivers and the medical profession to keep people healthy. How would this work, and it is possible to change the behavior of hundreds of millions of Americans -- to eat healthier food, exercise more and live healthier lives?