First off, let's start in my booth for Film School Confidential (4017), over in Exhibit Hall E by G4. Gee, I'm already looking a little bug-eyed.
Next I found this very cool 15-foot armored polar bear from the upcoming film Golden Compass, and wanted to take him home. He'd look good next to my 3-foot tall Godzilla and provide Big G with an imposing adversary. But neither my husband nor the Elite security guards like that idea.

I also walked by one of those "living models" and thought she was a mannequin. Boy was I surprised when she moved. In case you can't figure it out, she was dressed up as the machine gun legged Cherry from the Planet Terror half of Grindhouse .

Then it was yo ho, yo ho as I looked up to discover that the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean had docked at the Con. I heard but haven't been able to confirm that it was built exclusively for the Con.

Next I happened upon Jabba the Hutt.

Take a look at the crowds. I've barely moved a few hundred feet from my booth. And preview night is supposed to be un-crowded!

And of course as any experienced Con-goer knows, one of the attractions of Comic-Con is the free swag. If you're good, you can find quite a bit. Wednesday night's winner for best swag, in terms of both what people sought and how many people I saw on the floor with the items goes, to Warner Brothers for the massive Superman bag...

And the cardboard 300 shields... "Tonight we dine in hell!"

Here's my loot for the evening, my shield got left in the booth so I could use it to fight off crowds.

Best item: A teaser poster from Lions Gate for Frank Miller's adaptation of Will Eisner's The Spirit. Uh-oh, gotta go. Gotta get up in a couple hours so I can get back to the Convention Center early enough to find a parking space and start the madness all over again. Can't wait. More to come...