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10 Days In Watts

Watts community members.
Watts community members.

Tuesday, May 21 from 11 - Midnight / Stream the series now with the PBS App

An urban garden called MudTown Farms is about to open in the Los Angeles community of Watts, built and nurtured by dedicated residents who see more than economic hardship, social inequality and environmental racism in their future.

10 Days in Watts: Preview

The series chronicles three generations of activists in the Watkins family, as well as students, farmers, and community leaders committed to healing past social injustices.

Janine Watkins, wife of Tim Watkins: President of WLCAC.
PBS Socal
Janine Watkins, wife of Tim Watkins: President of WLCAC.


Episode 1 “Legacy” premieres Tuesday, May 21 at 11 p.m. on KPBS TV -  MudTown Farms, an urban garden twelve years in the making, is ten days from opening in the Los Angeles community of Watts. Tim Watkins, President of the Watts Labor Community Action Committee (WLCAC), shares his vision of a family's dedication to their beloved community. The WLCAC, a community Center with a powerful legacy, has done much for this underserved community for almost 60 years.

10 DAYS IN WATTS: Legacy

Episode 2: “We Are Taught to Survive” premieres Tuesday, May 21 at 11:30 p.m. on KPBS TV - A week from opening, the farm faces challenges, deadlines, and cost overruns, but Tim Watkins and the team press on. We also meet several community leaders, including Janine Watkins, speaking about their varied experiences growing up in the Watts community, the influence of Black History, the need for Latino voices and a common thread shared between them.

10 DAYS IN WATTS: We Are Taught to Survive

Episode 3: “Watts Pride” Stream now with the PBS App - With four days until the opening of MudTown, the next generation of community leaders are introduced as the effects of environmental racism are explored. Perspectives are shared from local residents and community leaders that includes Michael Krikorian, a renowned journalist who has covered Watts for decades and Johanna Rodriguez, a Watts resident on the Mayor’s task force.

10 DAYS IN WATTS: Watts Pride

Episode 4: A Garden Grows In Watts” Stream now with the PBS App  - MudTown Farms opens after twelve years and the community comes out to celebrate. For Tim Watkins and family, a new day begins, and the torch is passed from father to son. The community provides feedback on the urban garden’s opening, including perspectives from a pastor, an 18-year-old double amputee headed to college, and a crisis intervention specialist.

10 DAYS IN WATTS: A Garden Grows In Watts

Stream the series now with the PBS App. Watch the best of PBS anytime, anywhere on the free PBS app. Stream your favorite PBS shows on-demand and livestream shows from your local station, all from your favorite device.

10 DAYS IN WATTS is from actor and Emmy®-nominated filmmaker Raphael Sbarge (ONCE UPON A TIME, MURDER IN THE FIRST).