Tourism is one of San Diego's most important businesses, and Tuesday city officials launched a new campaign designed to get people to not only visit San Diego, but to stay.
"San Diego is like every other city in the United States where we're all competing for visitors," Kerri Kapich from the San Diego Tourism Authority. "We're also all competing for talent, especially STEM talent, so we have an amazing business community that's here, an amazing tourism community that's here and everyone is looking for an opportunity to grow the economic impact and benefit of their industry sectors."
The "Say No To Winter" campaign by the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation launched in major transit systems in cities such as Boston, Chicago and New York. Officials say they picked those places on purpose.
"If you think of the markets that we're targeting, a market like Boston, a market like New York City, a market like Chicago ... while the cost of living is high here, the cost of living is even higher in those markets and what we're trying to appeal to is there's a quality of life here year-round that you can get into your career that you're just not going to find in those other places," said Mark Cafferty with the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation.
Additional advertising from the San Diego Tourism Authority encouraging visitors to come to San Diego is also being launched in Canada and the United Kingdom.