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The Fast Metabolism Revolution With Haylie Pomroy

Haylie Pomroy on set for "The Fast Metabolism Revolution!" a public television special designed to help people change their lives for the better.
Courtesy of Haylie Pomroy
Haylie Pomroy on set for "The Fast Metabolism Revolution!" a public television special designed to help people change their lives for the better.

Airs Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015 at 9 p.m. on KPBS TV

"The Fast Metabolism Revolution!" is a public television special designed to help people change their lives for the better. It's designed for people who live in the real world with real world stresses and challenges. It's really unusual because in it Haylie Pomroy actually encourages people to get healthy by eating more food -- not less!

Give at the $180 level during our TV Membership Campaign and receive Haylie Pomroy's Burn To Lose Collection which includes: "The Fast Metabolism Diet" Book; exclusive bonus chapter from Haylie’s latest book, "The Burn"; a 7-DVD set; PH Testing Kit; and one year Platinum Membership to Haylie’s super informative website. This gift also includes enrollment in the myKPBS Savers Club plus additional online access to more than 130,000 merchant offers and printable coupons, as well as a KPBS License Plate Frame (if you're a new member). "The Fast Metabolism Revolution With Haylie Pomroy" DVD only is available at $60.
Courtesy of Haylie Pomroy
Give at the $180 level during our TV Membership Campaign and receive Haylie Pomroy's Burn To Lose Collection which includes: "The Fast Metabolism Diet" Book; exclusive bonus chapter from Haylie’s latest book, "The Burn"; a 7-DVD set; PH Testing Kit; and one year Platinum Membership to Haylie’s super informative website. This gift also includes enrollment in the myKPBS Savers Club plus additional online access to more than 130,000 merchant offers and printable coupons, as well as a KPBS License Plate Frame (if you're a new member). "The Fast Metabolism Revolution With Haylie Pomroy" DVD only is available at $60.

Subjects covered in "The Fast Metabolism Revolution!" include:

  • We can all improve the efficiency of our metabolism by eating the right foods at the right times.
  • Beyond just weight loss, there are numerous other health benefits to revving up your metabolism.
  • Actually eating more good foods, not less, can be the secret to profound and permanent weight loss.
  • We live in the real world so any program must have strategies to deal with helping people when they fall off the program at parties or during the holidays, or while traveling.

Haylie Pomroy is on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and you can follow @hayliepomroy on Twitter.


This program is part of our TV Membership Campaign. Support quality programming you depend on from KPBS. Join or renew today!

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