Now that Comic-Con is over the big question remains: Can San Diego keep the convention coming back in the future? One organization has been trying to make space for comic books’ smallest fans.
A few blocks away from Comic-Con, this year San Diego’s New Children’s Museum took the graphic arts chaos and made it kid-sized. They hosted a comic book exhibit and drawing workshops.
Six-year-old Catherine Arcarissaid said she learned to draw her favorite characters from the Shrek movies.
Christine Larsen is a Shrek comic book illustrator and led some of the workshops.
“I think it’s tough for little kids because there’s so much going on. I mean there’s kid stuff but there’s a lot more stuff that’s way more suitable for adults, than, I think, for small children," Larsen said. "And, I don’t know. I see some of those little kids and I’m like -– those kids are going to get lost, there are seas of people. I think it’s more the large amount of people that makes it less kid friendly.”
Kid-friendly or not, San Diego hopes to see all of those people for years to come.