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KPBS Commentaries

You Can Drink the Water

A highlight of the Magical Mystery Travel Blog was the work of our guest contributors: Glenda Winders' story in From Prague to Krakow , Bob Willis' in Burial in Prague , Taylor Peterson's  Lessons from Auschwitz , Trudi Diamant's Last Night in Berlin and Byron LaDue's photograph's and stories,  The View from Kafka's Head , All Roads Lead to Pawel , and we're not done yet!

From Steve Schlesinger, we have another extraordinary perspective of the tour. Steve lives in Escondido, CA, and decided to join our Kafka Project tour of Eastern European cities when he learned his last name means "from Silesia," the area the Kafka Project is searching for Kafka's missing papers . Steve took dozens of  gorgeous pictures of the architecture of Prague, Krakow and Berlin, as well as fun shots of the group. He traversed each city by foot, underground, tram and bus, and managed to fit in three concerts! Thanks to Steve for sharing the photos  with us on Flickr.  

Corky Lang, our marvelous travel director, the man who was able to make a magical trip at a dream price come true, has shared a few pages from a journal he created for this blog. Over the next three days, please enjoy Corky's unique perspective from Prague, Krakow and Berlin. With no further ado, I give you Part One of  "The View from Corky's Head, or a Travel Director's Private Journal."