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Citizen Voices

Her Prerogative, His Story

In cheerier times, Bill Clinton's "depends what ‘is' is" defense was almost excusable because of the absurd and creepy nature of Ken Starr's over-stimulated investigation. But now the same Clintonian self-serving definitions, loophole twists, rule changes and creative interpretations are not so funny. Hillary's willingness to win the nomination by some novel method carries too much the whiff of hanging chads, lawyer armies, technicalities and elections decided by judges. Ralph Nader is right to be Ralph Nader and Hillary Clinton is right to be as tough as she wants to be and hang in as long as she can.

But the process will end. Even Cheney and Rumsfeld would tell you she's no Dead Ender.

aaryn b.
May 28, 2008 at 08:57 AM
"McCain is gonna get it handed to ‘em like Bush did Dukakis..." You really believe this? Mind if I ride the coattails of your enthusiasm? Because as much as I want 'Murka to give McCain a resounding smack down, I don't think it's gonna happen. And even Walt Whitman can't make poetry out of that horror story.


May 28, 2008 at 08:26 PM
Maybe wishful thinking...but like others, I'm believing a stay at home season for a good segment of Republicans and the continued surge in Dem voters for November. I'm not buying the Hillary voters not going for Obama. And last but not least - I've been watching McCain with an open mind, the guy is terrible on the campaign trail. But there's always a chance Poe could write this one.