It's really awful when your public scandal is a direct refutation of your nickname. It would be bad enough if New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, now facing a prostitution scandal , was known as "The Terminator" or even "The Enforcer." But "Mr. Clean"....oh dear. There were great stories on Morning Edition today; everything from a day labor activist asking why immigration is separate from free trade, to a report on a Fung Shui McDonald's up in L.A. I thought the story on women drivers in Iraq was especially touching. One of the reasons we were told we were fighting in Iraq was to make things better for women in the Arab world. Well, they're apparently still waiting.
It's said you shouldn't watch either sausage or public policy being made, but sometimes it's worth it. Alison St John's report today on the new city "blueprint for the future" really told the story of strong competing interests in San Diego and the difficult job politicians have in balancing those interests. Listening to Alison's story is both enlightening and painless....however, I'd still postpone the tour of sausage factory.
By the way, Dwane Brown is loving that Torreros story. USD's women and men's basketball teams are both headed to the NCAA tournament. Expect more March Madness stories from Mr. Brown.