'Stars, Cars and Guitars' at the California Surf Museum
California Surf Museum
10 AM - 4 PM, ongoing daily from October 1, 2024 until June 1, 2025.
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California Surf Museum
All Ages
Admission is free to the public
"Stars, Cars and Guitars" is a “blast from the past” exhibit showing how, in less than a decade, from the years from 1958 to 1965, surfing related elements came to dominate popular culture forming a lasting effect on California, America and the world at large. From iconic record albums, period surfboards, fashion artifacts, seminal photographic images and memorabilia, visitors get a clearer sense of why this era is considered the “golden age” of surfing and the surfing lifestyle. In just a few short years an entirely new social structure was formed with its own vernacular, mode of dress, art, musical sound, modes of transportation, hair styles, and rituals all its own.
Museum Hours: 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. daily