San Diego International Kids' Film Festival
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A premier film festival in the region and on the children and family scene. Aiming to have a positive educational impact on children and youth, the SDIKFF actively supports innovative films made by filmmakers from around the globe. The festival offers an excellent multi-cultural platform to engage aspiring filmmakers, students, and educators alike by screening quality films and television series (both short and feature-length), as well as works in the areas of documentary, animation, educational visual arts, and mixed media.
In addition to the film screenings, SDIKFF will host “Maeya Angel” Pageant , an Opening Night Gala, Culture Forums, Industry Panel Discussions, Family Film Market and an Award Ceremony. These will provide plenty of occasions to meet and become acquainted with many of the other filmmakers who are involved in the festival and in the children’s filmmaking industry. You will have the chance to freely share your views and ideas with those who share the same ideals of entertainment and stimulation of all ages through cinematic stories.
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Carlsbad senior Center
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