Politifest 2022
October 8, 2022: 9 AM
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Too often, debates between candidates for office or two opposing sides of an initiative happen in hotel ballrooms hosted by special interests. Even when a media organization or general interest group hosts a debate, it’s usually just one discussion.
Politifest is Voice of San Diego’s annual summit dedicated to the most relevant debates and discussions for local voters and residents. Launched in 2011, we strove to gather the most interesting debates, candidates and issues and make them accessible to anyone who cares about them. During election years, we emphasize candidates and ballot measures. In non-election years, we focus on the most important topics that drive public policy and community conversation.
For 2022, we’re hosting a robust schedule of debates and panels at the University of San Diego, including an important discussion on homelessness with Mayor Todd Gloria and Board of Supervisors Chair Nathan Fletcher and a highly anticipated statewide ballot initiative primer with our friends at CalMatters.
Politifest South: This year, Chula Vista and National City voters also face big decisions about who should lead their cities. We’re doing a special event to host voters for those races closer to home. It’s a two-part live podcast featuring National City mayoral candidates Alejandra Sotelo Solis and Jose Rodriguez, followed by Chula Vista mayoral candidates Ammar Campa-Najjar and John McCann.
Click here to register for this event and!