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Every week from November 11, 2022 until November 20, 2022.
Sunday: 2 PM
Sunday: 5:30 PM
Friday: 7 PM
Saturday: 2 PM
Saturday: 5:30 PM
Woodbury University School of Architecture
All Ages

Bocón Presents U.S. Premiere of "MÍA: All Mine"
A play by Amaranta Leyva
Translation in English by Carmen Rivera
Directed by Daniel Jáquez

Bocón, a theater company that since 2013 has been voicing the multicultural experience through performances for youth and educational programming, dedicated to empowering artists of all ages and continuing to create collaborative works that voice social perspectives, will present "MÍA," play written by Amaranta Leyva with performances both in Spanish and in English.

"MÍA," translated as "MÍA: All Mine" by Carmen Rivera, is a play written in Spanish that will have its U.S. premiere on Friday, November 11 at Woodbury University School of Architecture located in 2212 Main Street, San Diego, CA 92113.

Performance dates and times are as follows:
FRI. Nov 11@ 7pm - English
SAT. Nov 12 @ 2pm - English
SAT. Nov 12 @ 5:30pm - Spanish
SUN. Nov 13 @ 2pm - Spanish
SUN. Nov 13 @ 5:30pm - English
FRI. Nov 18 @ 7pm - Spanish
SAT. Nov 19 @2pm - Spanish
SAT. Nov 19 @5:30pm - English
SUN. Nov 20@ 2pm - English
SUN. Nov 20@ 5:30pm - Spanish

"It takes place in that room in the house where everything we do not know where to put, we put. Where we store things we do not have any use for anymore but we think we will. Like a basement. On that day in that room, Mía, an 8 year old girl, finds her old friend Sinforoso after being separated for a long-long time. But that day is a different day for Mía, because it is the day she has decided to leave home. To leave the house with her mother because in that house there are sad things that Mía does not like. There are difficult things, scary things, nerve-wracking things, but at the end, guess what? She is brave enough to say what she feels, she is brave enough to say: no, and she is brave enough to defend herself.

[Don’t be afraid moms, dads. Sit down with your children and see Mía.]"

Directed by Daniel Jáquez the cast includes Vanessa Flores as Mía and Lester Isariuz as Sinforoso.

“MÍA is a beautiful story. It's sad, but very powerful while also hopeful. It's about the power of childhood and its imagination and the greatness that our hearts are capable of.”

“MÍA es una historia muy bonita. Es triste, pero muy poderosa, muy alentadora a la vez. Es el poder de la niñez y de su imaginación y la grandeza de corazón que tenemos todos.”

-Daniel Jáquez, Director

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Pricing details
$10 Child Ages 18 and under
$20 General Admission

All standard tickets are General Admission and seating will be done on a ‘first come, first served’ basis

$40 Reserved Seating

Pay It Forward by purchasing reserved seats! Your higher ticket price ensures we will be able to continue offering high-quality programming for kids and families. In exchange, we’ll be sure to reserve you some of the best seats in the house.

Event Supported By

(619) 997-3117

Artist Group Info

Kayla Adorno

Woodbury University School of Architecture

2212 Main St
San Diego, California 92113

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Dates and times of events are subject to change without notice. Always check the event organizer's website for the most updated schedule before attending.