La Jolla Symphony & Chorus 'Music of the Spheres'
March 19, 2023: 2 PM
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Guest conductor: MICHAEL GERDES
Brahms’s colossal Requiem may have been inspired by the death of his mother in 1864, a loss which caused him profound grief. This large-scale work for orchestra, chorus, and soprano and baritone soloists is performed in German, a departure from the traditional Latin. Also on this program, we’ll feature the 2021 Nee Commission winner, Alex Stephenson. The program will open with Missy Mazzoli’s “minimalist” gymnopédie for small orchestra, Sinfonia (for Orbiting Spheres).
Missy Mazzoli: "Sinfonia (for Orbiting Spheres)"
Alex Stephenson: Nee Commission, 2021
Johannes Brahms: "Ein Deutsches Requiem"
Soloist: Philip Lima, Baritone; Tasha Koontz, Soprano
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