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Thinking with the Harrisons: Re-imagining the Arts in the Global Environment Crisis

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 from 6:30 PM to 8 PM
Mandeville Art Gallery
All Ages

Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison, known as ‘the Harrisons’, dedicated five decades to exploring and demonstrating a new form of artistic practice, centered on “…doing no work that does not attend to the wellbeing of the web of life.” Their collaborative practice pioneered a way of drawing together art and ecology. They closely observed, often with irony and humor, how human intervention disrupts the dynamics of life as a web of interrelationships. The authors ‘think with’ the Harrisons, critically tracing their poetics as a re-imaging and reconfiguring of the arts in response to the unfolding planetary crisis. They draw parallels between the artists’ poetics and rethinking in the philosophy of science, particularly drawing on the philosopher of science, Isabelle Stengers.

Thinking with the Harrisons is for anyone concerned with the implications of ecological thought and practice as a reimagining of public life, including the interaction of art and science. Throughout their joint practice, the Harrisons sought to engage policy makers, governments, ecologists, artists, and the natural world, sensitizing us to the crises that emerge from grounded experiences of place and time.


Event Supported By

Mandeville Art Gallery

Mandeville Art Gallery

9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, California 92093

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