Fort Rosecrans Memorial Day Ride
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Saturday, May 25 is the most important bicycle ride of the year for one of our Gold Star families. They will be hosting their 4th Annual "BOUQUET RIDE"
Riders will depart California Bicycle (7462 La Jolla Bvd, La Jolla) for a casual family ride heading towards Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery. The ride to Fort Rosecrans is in honor of their beloved son, CPL Gregory Millard (AKA Shortie). Flowers will be laid at his final resting place at the conclusion of the ride.
Previous events were a huge success with many riders and almost too many flowers to carry on the bicycles! This year, grab some friends and let's blow it out of this world with even more riders and bouquets! There will be a few bicycles setup with large baskets to carry extra flowers, there will also be an another vehicle that will carry additional flowers and meet the riding group at Fort Rosecrans.
Saturday, May 25 Meet at 7:30 a.m. / Rolling at 9 a.m.
Fort Rosecrans Memorial Day on Facebook