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Community Arts Open House at The Conrad
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The Conrad comes to life for this family-friendly community event based on the theme of Create! All are invited to join in a fun day of free classes, activities, art, crafts, and performances featuring some of San Diego’s finest musicians, dancers, and artists.
Musical performances will include harpist Chiara Capobianco and the Euphoria Brass Band, with youth ensembles including the Mission Bay Mambo Orchestra, Poway High School, the San Diego State University Jazz Trio, Correia Middle School, and Pershing Middle School, as well as students from LJMS’ own Community Music Center.

Attendees will also have a chance to create their own music and art in an interactive drum circle with Drummers Without Borders, a hip hop dance class with Alyssa Junious, a dance workshop with Malashock Dance, and arts and crafts facilitated by Studio ACE and Elizabeth Tobias, among others.
New this year, the upstairs Hoehn Gallery at The Conrad will be dedicated to an exhibit of artwork by the students of La Jolla High School’s advanced arts programs.
The Open House is free but advance registration is recommended at TheConrad.org.
La Jolla Music Society’s award-winning Learning and Engagement Programming provides unmatched access and learning opportunities to more than 11,000 students and community members throughout San Diego County annually. With education and community engagement at the heart of our mission, we work closely with each visiting artist and ensemble to create outreach activities that highlight their unique talents and expertise at both The Conrad and in the community. La Jolla Music Society on Facebook / Instagram