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'Environmental Dashboard' (ED) Technology

Thursday, October 12, 2023 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
All Ages

What is Community “Environmental Dashboard” (ED) Technology?

How can it Foster and Empower Community Engagement, Sustainability and Climate Resilience?

Our modern lifestyles have caused most humans to lose connection with the natural world. We are insulated from the consequences of our actions and may not even be aware of how these actions affect the environment. How can we tap into the feedback mechanisms that served us in the past in today’s modern world to foster and empower community engagement, sustainability, and climate resilience?

In this talk, we will learn about “Environmental Dashboard” (ED) technology, which is now implemented in several organizations and communities. This exciting technology reconnects people with the natural world by making flows of resources visible and promoting sustainable thought and action. Extensive research demonstrates that exposure to ED content significantly enhances systems thinking and pro-environmental and pro-community social norms and behaviors.

Each installation comprises:

1) “Building Dashboard,” which dynamically displays real-time resource consumption in individual buildings to promote resource conservation.

2) “Citywide Dashboard,” which animates whole-community resource flows and environmental conditions.

3) “Community Voices,” which combines images and text to celebrate thought and action that advance social, ecological, and economic dimensions of sustainability. Interactive stories combine content to tell the story of community sustainability and resilience.

How might we expand dashboard digital signage throughout organizations and cities to promote a more unified effort to take climate action and encourage pro-environmental and pro-community behaviors?

There will be time for questions from the audience. There is no charge for this online event but please register in advance. Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing the Zoom link along with additional details.

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Event Supported By

North County Climate Change Alliance

Artist Group Info

Suzanne Ryan
Dates and times of events are subject to change without notice. Always check the event organizer's website for the most updated schedule before attending.