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Small Group Workshop: Cooking Theory 301 with April Dodd

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 from 6 PM to 7:30 PM

Cooking instinctively takes a little conscious practice first. We need to learn how and why great recipes work before we can whip up our own five star results. The good news: we have a simple cooking theory that ensures your cooking experiments will always make fabulous meals. In this Small Group Workshop, limited to 25 students, we’ll dive deep into this theory and practice the skills you need to cook according to intuition and not a recipe. First, we’ll make and analyze a Thai Rice Soup full of plump meatballs and finished with all manners of spicy, crunchy and fresh toppings. Once we know what makes this soup so good, we’ll use that knowledge to create brand new recipes together. With the Milk Street Cooking theory as our guide

  • for people who are ready to take their cooking intuition, skills, and knowledge to high level
  • learn how to develop recipes on our own (start with Foundation and build recipes from there)
  • workshop, just 25 people, so we can take our time, answer your questions, etc.
Dates and times of events are subject to change without notice. Always check the event organizer's website for the most updated schedule before attending.