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2022 Heart and Stroke Walk

Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 6:30 AM
Balboa Park

Everyone has a reason. Whether you walk to improve your overall health and well-being, or because you are grateful to celebrate the lives of those you love, joining the Heart Walk is one of the most important things you can do for yourself or others.

At the Heart Walk we come together to celebrate survivors, learn about how to improve our own heart health, and raise funds that ultimately save lives. And we are having so much fun doing it!

Don't miss out! Whether you are a first time Heart Walker or a veteran, we need you to register now, join a team, or donate. Because every step you take and dollar you donate makes a difference in the lives of people in your community and for those you love.

Event Schedule:
‣ Expo Opens: 6:30am | Opening Ceremony: 7:30am | Walk Begins: 7:45am
‣ Closing Ceremony: 9:30am | Expo Closes: 10:00am

Where | Balboa Park
‣ 699 El Prado San Diego, 92101

When | Saturday, September 17, 2022

Admission | Click here to register for this event!

Join us for Heart Walk!

Balboa Park

699 El Prado
San Diego, 92101

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Dates and times of events are subject to change without notice. Always check the event organizer's website for the most updated schedule before attending.