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Cinema Junkie

Satisfy your celluloid addiction and mainline film 24/7 with Cinema Junkie’s Beth Accomando. So if you need a film fix, want to hear what filmmakers have to say about their work, feel like taking a deep dive into a genre, or just want to know what's worth seeing this weekend, then you've come to the right place. You can also find Beth's coverage of other arts and culture events here.

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Pam Grier may not be the most conventional choice for Black History movie icon but this lady kicked ass on the big screen, and went from eye candy to stunning actress. Here she is in "Coffy" but any of her films are worth checking out. Playing
Midday Movies celebrate Black women
The secret to Coop's 'legendary' BBQ
The documentary "The Cigarette Surfboard" is the opening night film of the 14th annual Oceanside International Film Festival. (2024) Playing
Oceanside International Film Festival marches to its own beat
Cover art for Keithan Jones' new comic "American Grit" that will debut at Black Comix Day: Heroes Rise VII. (2025) Playing
Celebrate Black Comix Day: Heroes Rise VII