If you live in an area prone to wildfires, there are certain steps you can take to be prepared. CAL FIRE offers a mobile app that helps residents get ready in case of a fire. It can be downloaded here. For a desktop version, go here.
How to be prepared | How to monitor the situation | How to stay alert
Emergency Supply Kit Checklist
–Three-day supply of nonperishable food and three gallons of water per person.
–Map marked with at least two evacuation routes.
–Prescriptions or special medications.
–Change of clothing.
–Extra eyeglasses or contact lenses.
–An extra set of car keys, credit cards, cash or traveler's checks.
–First aid kit.
–Battery-powered radio and extra batteries.
–Sanitation supplies.
–Copies of important documents (birth certificates, passports, etc.)
–Don't forget pet food and water!
Source: CAL FIRE

Home Evacuation Checklist
Inside the House
–Shut all windows and doors, leaving them unlocked.
–Remove flammable window shades, curtains and close metal shutters.
–Remove lightweight curtains.
–Move flammable furniture to the center of the room, away from windows and doors.
–Shut off gas at the meter; turn off pilot lights.
–Leave your lights on so firefighters can see your house under smoky conditions.
–Shut off the air conditioning.
–Gather up flammable items from the exterior of the house and bring them inside (patio furniture, children’s toys, door mats, trash cans, etc.) or place them in your pool.
–Turn off propane tanks.
–Move propane BBQ appliances away from structures.
–Connect garden hoses to outside water valves or spigots for use by firefighters. Fill water buckets and place them around the house.
–Don’t leave sprinklers on or water running, they can affect critical water pressure.
–Leave exterior lights on so your home is visible to firefighters in the smoke or darkness of night.
–Put your Emergency Supply Kit in your vehicle.
–Back your car into the driveway with vehicle loaded and all doors and windows closed. Carry your car keys with you.
–Have a ladder available and place it at the corner of the house for firefighters to quickly access your roof.
–Seal attic and ground vents with pre-cut plywood or commercial seals.
–Patrol your property and monitor the fire situation. Don’t wait for an evacuation order if you feel threatened.
–Check on neighbors and make sure they are preparing to leave.
–Locate your pets and keep them nearby.
–Prepare farm animals for transport and think about moving them to a safe location early.
Pet Evacuation Kit:
–Have everything labeled with your contact information
–Take extra labels and markers
–Crates / Carriers
–Food (enough for at least one week)
–Water (enough for at least one week)
–Food Dishes and Water Bowls
–Blankets / Beds
–Can Opener (if your pet eats canned food without a pop up lid)
–Litter box and kitty litter
–Poop bags
–Extra collars and harnesses with extra long leashes
–Make sure the collars have identification
–Since many pets escape by pulling out of their collars, have your pets microchipped (if they aren't already)
–Make sure your contact information for the microchip is up to date information to update your pet's Microchip I.D. if you evacuate
–Recent photos of your pets
–A pet First Aid kit
–Basic information including phone numbers, the name of your veterinarian, and copies of medical records in waterproof containers
–Paper towels and disinfectant
–Contact information for a boarding facility
–Make sure that your pet's vaccinations are up to date in case it needs to go to a boarding facility or evacuation area
Source: Rancho Coastal Humane Society
Anyone needing assistance with large animal evacuations is asked to call the Department of Animal Services at 619-236-2341.
For the latest updates on wildfires, visit the CAL FIRE statewide map.
To monitor wind conditions, visit SDG&E's Wind Speed Dashboard.
Check if your area will have a power outage with this map from SDG&E.
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