Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has wrapped up what was called a major national security speech in Balboa Park during the speech she mostly blasted her Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump . His ideas? Donald Trump's ideas are not just different, they are dangerously incoherent. They are not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies. This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes because it is not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his berries thin skin. -- Very thin skin. There is no risk of people losing their lives if you blow up a golf course field. It doesn't work like that and world affairs. Just like being interviews on the same episode of 60 minutes as cute and was, is not the same thing is actually dealing with him. Steve Walsh was there at her speech. He joins us now. Hello. Hello Maureen. I am actually still in the room. There was a pretty sizable group of Clinton supporters. Inside the hall was actually a little quieter than inside. We played a couple of clips from her speech. What were some of the highlights as you saw from listening to it in person? She hit on some things, the notion that Donald Trump would consider having Japan or North Korea having nuclear weapons. Saudi Arabia, the notion that he would want to leave NATO and our allies, the temporary ban on Muslims as reasons why he was unqualified to be commander in chief. Unlike last Friday's Trump rally, this was not a rally is that right? This was a speech. This was not the convention center. We think it was between 200 to 300 people. Other folks opened it up with to some supporters. Not a lot of room in the hall. It was a speech trying to pivot to the general election and create real distinctions between the former Secretary of State and the presumptive GOP nominee. This is Hillary Clinton's first campaign appearance in San Diego, but she is not the first Clinton to the -- campaign here. He was here twice in May. He was not too far from here. That was more the traditional campaign rally. She is expected now, this is supposed to be the start of a five day tour to California, starting in San Diego and leading up to the primary election. Speaking of that, even though Secretary Clinton's speech was aimed at Donald Trump, she still faces a primary bile and -- battle with Bernie Sanders. They are tightening up. It sounds like this might be a great general election speech, if you try to woo more moderates and conservative voters, but she is not been talking about foreign-policy so much during the primaries. We don't know if it will help her or things to be a little tight going into Tuesday's election. What about the atmosphere in Balboa Park? You said there were people in the Prado to listen to her speech, also waiting outside to greet her when she left? Yes. I am in the back, there are a lot of people around her trying to get the southeast. -- Sell these. You have a large group, a pretty sizable group, close to 100 people who cannot get inside this very small venue. Those are the folks that are more traditional caring signs and American flags. Any protesters? There were a few. They were small handful of Bernie Sanders supporters. You can't always see outside from inside the hall. Fewer them were here when Bill Clinton was here in Balboa Park. I think one Trump supporter was here. For the most part, a lot of new structures, really designed to hit home her foreign-policy credentials more for a national audience. Steve Walsh is on the scene in Balboa Park. Thank you. Thank you. KPBS will have a full report during all things considered and tonight on evening edition.
Hillary Clinton tore into Donald Trump's foreign policy experience and temperament in a blistering speech Thursday, arguing that "we cannot let him roll the dice with America."
During a speech in San Diego, the former secretary of state unloaded on her likely general election opponent, counting down reasons he is not qualified — from his aggressive Twitter attacks to his emotional outbursts. She predicted dire consequences if he is elected, saying a Trump presidency could lead the U.S. into war abroad and ignite economic catastrophe at home.
"There's no risk of people losing their lives if you blow up a golf course deal, but it doesn't work like that in world affairs," Clinton said before about 300 people gathered in a ballroom. "The stakes in global statecraft are infinitely higher and more complex than in the world of luxury hotels.
Clinton's robust assault on Trump also was widely carried on television.
It came as she is ramping up her criticism of the presumptive Republican nominee and trying to quell concerns within her own party that she doesn't have a plan of attack for the general election. She assailed Trump over his past statements, criticizing him for seeking to ban Muslims from entering the country, for talking about leaving NATO and for suggesting Japan could one day acquire nuclear weapons.
"He is not just unprepared, he is temperamentally unfit," Clinton said. "This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes."
Emphasizing her experience as first lady, senator and secretary of state, Clinton said she would provide the steady diplomacy the country needs. She said that unlike Trump, she knew how to negotiate complex deals, understood world affairs and recognized what it means to deploy American troops.
"I'm going to keep American security at the heart of my campaign," Clinton said.
Clinton and Trump offer starkly different visions of U.S. foreign policy. Clinton's detail-oriented proposals reflect the traditional approach of both major parties. Despite differences on some issues, such as the Iraq war and Iran, Democratic and Republican presidents have been generally consistent on policies affecting China, Russia, North Korea, nuclear proliferation, trade, alliances and many other issues.
Trump says U.S. foreign policy has failed. His strong-man "America first" approach is short on details but appeals to the emotions of angry voters who believe that successive leaders have weakened the country, made it vulnerable to terrorism and have been duped into bad trade deals that have cost American jobs.
Trump accused Clinton of lying about his foreign policy plans at a rally at an airport hangar in Sacramento, California, Wednesday night.
"She lies. She made a speech and she's making another one tomorrow. And they sent me a copy of the speech and it was such lies about my foreign policy," Trump said.
"They said I want Japan ... to get nuclear weapons. Give me a break," he objected. "I want Japan and Germany and Saudi Arabia and South Korea and many of the NATO nations — they owe us tremendous. We're taking care of all these people. And what I want them to do is pay up."
Trump has suggested in the past that he might be OK with Japan one day obtaining nuclear weapons.
Clinton's campaign hopes her foreign policy experience will appeal to voters who may be wary of Trump's bombastic style and lack of international experience. They hope those points, combined with Trump's controversial statements about women and minorities, will give Clinton opportunities with independent and moderate Republican voters.
In recent days, Clinton has criticized Trump over his past business practices, his sometimes-slow-to-be-fulfilled promises to raise money for veterans and his now defunct education company, Trump University. On Wednesday she called Trump a "fraud" and said the real estate mogul had taken advantage of vulnerable Americans.
Trump has pushed back. On the education company, he has maintained that customers were overwhelmingly satisfied with the offerings.
While Clinton is stressing her concerns about Trump, she is still dealing with her primary race. She needs just 70 more delegates from states voting Tuesday to win the Democratic primary, but is dealing with a tough fight with rival Bernie Sanders in California, where the Vermont senator is gaining in polling. Clinton plans to be in California though Monday as she seeks to avoid a primary loss there.