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Gov. Jerry Brown Speaks On Climate Change At DNC

California Gov. Jerry Brown waves to the crowd at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, July 27, 2016.
PBS NewsHour
California Gov. Jerry Brown waves to the crowd at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, July 27, 2016.
Can Clinton And Sanders Supporters Get On The Same Page?
Can Clinton And Sanders Supporters Get On The Same Page? GUEST:Marisa Lagos, political reporter, KQED

Democrats nominated the first woman to become a major party presidential candidate last night at the Democratic National Convention. Speakers, including former president Bill Clinton, painted Hillary Clinton if they change maker. The speakers tonight include vice presidential pick Tim Kaine and President Barack Obama. Joining me if political reporter Marisa Lagos at the DMC -- DNC in Philadelphia. Let's talk about the nominating vote yesterday. Was a clear at first that Bernie Sanders template such a decisive role in it? We started to hear rumors that that might happen. But at the convention you never know until it occurs. It became clear as it got closer to Vermont. They were going around the hall alphabetically. We saw Bernie Sanders and it became excited -- it became exciting because it became a parent he was going to do the vote . It became like a rock concert at that point. We have a clip of Hillary -- burning sent -- Sanders speaking. I move that all boats cast by delegates be reflected in the official record. And I move that Hillary Clinton be selected as the nominee of the Democratic party for president of the United States. [ Applause ]. We know the California delegation has been a focal point for the burning movement. -- Bernie movement. We are not seeing as many protest as we were earlier. The lockout took over the media for a while last night. But you heard the apply in the hall. There is a moment of coming together that is happening. A lot of people are still not thrilled in the Bernie camp that he is not the nominee. But I think the anger we were hearing earlier this week is starting to wane. Virginia Governor indicated that Clinton would support a trade agreement that was not supported by Sanders supporters. That cannot help the unity issue. I was shaking my head about that today. I think you're right. I think every time something like that comes up it adds more fuel to the fire within the -- to the people within the Bernie camp . That said, I do think that was one of many issues people talk about in support of Sanders. I think with the nominee, herself, says will be very important and how she and the people behind her respond to the damaging emails that came out against her last week. Speaking of the emails, have you heard any reaction from the delegates about Trump stating that he encouraged the Russians to hack into the e-mail of Hillary Clinton? Everybody here has been shaking their head since the idea of rushing -- Russia being involved was mentioned. Security experts have said that might have happened and now we have the comments from Trump. Someone asked me if we were in a Spike movie. The anger we hear -- we were in a spy movie. It is something that you here when the Hillary Clinton people talk as to another reason they want to see her become president in November. Let's go to Bill Clinton last night. For this time, Hillary is uniquely qualified to speed the opportunities and reduce the risks we take and she is still the best darn change maker I have ever known. [ Applause ] you could drop her into any trouble spot, pick one, come back in one month and somehow, someway, she will have made it better. It is just who she is. Reporter: Did the speech from Bill Clinton help Hillary among some of the delegates, do you think? I think hearing Bill Clinton speak is that this will be one more reason to like them. If they don't like the Clinton family, I don't think it convinced anybody. It was a long speech. People who are Clinton delegates were very happy with it. I have not heard anything from the side of Bernie camp that made them change their mind . Tonight we have Tim Kaine, Joe Biden and President Barack Obama speaking at the Democratic National Convention tonight. Thank you so much Marie Seth for your time. My pleasure.

UPDATE 4:50 p.m.

California Gov. Jerry Brown ripped into Donald Trump during his speech Wednesday at the Democratic National Convention.


Brown focused his speech on climate change, which he has made a centerpiece of his latest governorship. He praised Hillary Clinton as someone who “gets stuff done,” citing her work of “paving the way” for the international climate agreement reached in Paris last year.

Here is the text of the speech:

Combating climate change, the existential threat of our time, will take heroic effort on the part of many people and many nations. Make no mistake, climate change is REAL.

The vast majority of world leaders and climate scientists, like those at NASA and the Department of Defense – indeed, almost anyone who chooses to think – believes in the science of climate change and sees the moral imperative to take action. But you wouldn't know it by listening to Donald Trump.

Last week at the Republican Convention, for 76 long and painful minutes, Trump conjured up a host of dark threats, but never once mentioned the words "climate change" or "global warming." What do you expect? Trump represents a party with officials that have banned state employees from even using these words in Florida, and who knows where else.


Trump says global warming is a hoax. I say Trump is a fraud. Trump says there's no drought in California. I say Trump lies. So, it's not surprising that Trump chose as his running mate a man who denies that there's such a thing as evolution.

Rarely in American history have two parties diverged so profoundly. Even the Know-Nothing, anti-immigrant party of the 1850s did not stray this far into sheer ignorance and dark fantasy as have the Republicans and their leader Donald Trump.

Our candidate, Hillary Clinton, couldn't be more different. While Trump talks, and talks, and talks, Hillary gets stuff done. She fights for us on big issues. As Secretary of State, she paved the way for the historic Paris Climate Agreement, an agreement which 200 nations, including China and India, enthusiastically embraced. And Mr. Trump, he says: The world be damned; I'm tearing it up.

Hillary is the one who launched the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, a group of nations taking action to reduce black carbon and other super climate pollutants, which cause severe lung and heart damage. And from her first day in office, President Hillary Clinton will do what's needed to combat climate change and lead the clean energy revolution.

We know something about this in California. We have solar, wind, zero-emission cars, energy efficiency, and yes, a price on carbon. We're proving that even with the toughest climate laws in the country, our economy is growing faster than almost any nation in the world.

Mr. Trump and those who live in climate denial say otherwise. They tell us we have to choose between saving the economy and saving the planet. Donald Trump and the climate deniers are dead wrong — dangerously wrong.

What America needs today are not deniers, but leaders. Not division, but common purpose. Not bombast, but bold action. That's why we need Hillary. And that's why the American people will choose her as the next President of the United States.

UPDATE 3:02 p.m.

California Gov. Jerry Brown will speak at the Democratic National Convention this evening.

He's expected to rip into Donald Trump; calling him a "fraud" who "lies," while praising Hillary Clinton's record and her ability to get "stuff done."

The governor's speech is currently scheduled for approximately 4:45 p.m. Pacific time and largely focuses on climate change, which Brown has made a centerpiece of his latest governorship.

The four-term governor and three-time presidential candidate last addressed the Democratic National Convention in 1992, when he refused to endorse Bill Clinton after a bitter primary battle.

UPDATE: 2:27 p.m.

Bernie Sanders supporters will continue to protest in Philadelphia through the end of the Democratic National Convention, and his California delegates will continue to be at the center of it. Their tone has nevertheless softened from the DNC's opening days.

About two dozen nurses wearing the bright red shirt of their union pose for pictures, while holding signs against the proposed Trans-Pacific trade pact and for single-payer health care.

The California Nurses Association was the first major group to endorse Bernie Sanders's presidential bid, many of them are now delegates, and they've helped make California one of the loudest protesters during the convention. Union president Deborah Berger said that will continue, despite the nomination.

"The objective is to make sure that the issues that Senator Bernie Sanders raised are dealt with," Berger said.

Even so, the overall level of disruption has softened from the shouting that interrupted early convention speeches and California delegation meetings.

"As of yesterday afternoon, when Bernie got up and did the right thing, it's been going smoothly," said Mike Dillon, a Clinton delegate from Long Beach. "Today I was actually able to sit at tables with Bernie people. Of course, I'm not wearing my Hillary regalia, so that probably helps a lot."

Party leaders have prioritized speeches intended to rope in Sanders supporters. While few of those delegates say it's convinced them to vote for Clinton, the volume of discontent does seem lower.

UPDATE: 1:11 p.m.

It's not all partisan politics at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. There's also lobbying and advocacy.

Ozkur Yildiz is president of the West American Turkic Council in Los Angeles. He's talking to California lawmakers in the delegation hotel about human rights abuses in Turkey.

"Americans of Turkish heritage are trying to outreach their elected officials, using this opportunity to have this information circulated. And, especially, the California delegation being the largest is making this attempt very important," Yildiz said.

Yildiz is part of a group of about ten Turkish-American Californians at the convention.

While Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders delegates make up at least two-thirds of the delegation, the group also includes party leaders who don't vote, and guests — many of whom are using the opportunity to have a word with state and national leaders.

UPDATE: 8 a.m.

Delegates had glowing praises for the speech given by former President Bill Clinton on the second night of the Democratic National Convention.

But CapRadio's Ben Bradford said many of the Sanders delegates were not present during the speech. Instead, they participated in protests earlier in the evening and walked out of the convention.

Bradford said he spoke to Sanders delegates and some are adamant about not voting for Clinton while others are open to it. Bradford said party leaders seem to be making attempts to include the Sanders supporters in convention events.

"You look at the speaker lineup, we've seen last-minute additions who are Bernie Sanders supporters," Bradford said.

Original Post:

Democratic party leaders at the national convention in Philadelphia have tried to frame the protests of Bernie Sanders supporters as a family disagreement, rather than party disunity. This rings true for at least one Los Angeles family.

Carolyn Fowler is a long-time Democratic activist and a Los Angeles delegate for Hillary Clinton. Her daughter Dallas is also a delegate, but for Bernie Sanders.

Now at the convention, many Sanders supporters still refuse to endorse Clinton. These supporters include Dallas, who says tempers have occasionally gotten hot.

"It's healthy in the sense that it hasn't gotten physical," Dallas said. "We're surviving."

The two say there are still disagreements between them.

"She challenged me this morning, and publicly," Carolyn said.

But there's affection in their voices when they talk about those disagreements. They describe what their debates are like.

"They always disagree with you," Carolyn said. "They know more than we do, it's like we just got here."

Dallas said she's not the only one who can argue.

"Oh please, 'mom is always right,' Dallas said. "Are you kidding me?"

But is it possible that they could come to the same side?

"She can't wait to gloat on Thursday," said Dallas about her mother. "But I am looking forward to being courted by the Clinton campaign for my vote."

Carolyn said she's also looking forward to courting her daughter.

It's a sentiment the Clinton campaign hope it can cultivate between Democratic supporters who don't have blood ties.

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