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Ted Cruz Holds Rally In San Diego

Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks to supporters during a campaign event in San Diego, April 11, 2016.
Associated Press
Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks to supporters during a campaign event in San Diego, April 11, 2016.

Ted Cruz To Hold Rally In San Diego
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is scheduled to hold a rally in San Diego on behalf of his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination Monday night, 57 days before the June 7 California primary.

UPDATE: 7:52 p.m.

Republican Ted Cruz is calling out chief rival Donald Trump for "whining."


The Texas senator is seizing on Trump's complaints that the GOP nomination is "rigged." Cruz went after the GOP front-runner while campaigning in San Diego Monday evening.

Cruz says, "As we know in the state of California, whine is something best served with cheese."

Addressing Trump directly, Cruz says: "Donald, it ain't stealing when the voters vote against you. It is the voters reclaiming this country and reclaiming sanity."

Cruz campaigned in California as most of other candidates in both parties focused on New York ahead of that state's April 19 primary.

California doesn't hold its presidential primaries until June 7, but the state offers more delegates than any other.


Cruz is within 200 delegates of Trump. Trump called the system "rigged" and said he's "millions of votes ahead" of Cruz at a rally Monday night in Albany, New York.

Tweets from the Cruz rally in San Diego:

Original story:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is scheduled to hold a rally in San Diego on behalf of his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination Monday night, 57 days before the June 7 California primary.

The rally at the Town & Country Resort is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. RSVPs to be added to the waiting list are being accepted on the Eventbrite website.

The 45-year-old Cruz is also scheduled to hold a rally earlier Monday in Irvine.

Both of Cruz's opponents for the Republican nomination are scheduled to campaign in New York Monday in advance of its April 19 primary. Businessman Donald J. Trump is scheduled to hold a nighttime rally in Albany and Ohio Gov. John Kasich plans to hold town hall meetings in Troy and Saratoga Springs.

After winning all 13 delegates at stake Saturday at the Colorado Republican Party State Convention, Cruz issued a statement declaring, "This election is about the hope that our children can still have a more promising landscape of opportunity than generations past.

"It's about bringing together Americans from all backgrounds who know that we will be stronger, more prosperous, and infinitely more free if we return power in Washington back to the people.

"So that Americans are free to create better jobs, live and worship freely, and once again proudly defend `the last best hope of Earth."'

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